Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Major companies are restating projected earnings in compliance with federal law, while Congress and the White House are pretending they didn’t know what was coming. Rising costs and layoffs loom. Insurance companies are trying to determine just how much their premiums will have to rise. States are scrambling to find ways to absorb the Medicaid costs. Legislators and attorney generals across the country are filing and considering filing a multitude of lawsuits and at least one attorney general is calling for a Constitutional Convention to deal with the crisis.

Why the White House should be surprised, I don’t know. I do remember that, back in the beginning stages of Obamacare, some medical companies, insurance and other companies started voicing their concerns and they got called into the White House and read the riot act; Emanuel and Obama made it clear that, if they did not shut up and go along, things were going to be very “uncomfortable” for them and their companies. Now the deed is done and everyone is acting surprised? This regime is dangerous…very dangerous indeed.

Q. What do you think the U.S. will do if it turns out that the North Koreans did sink that South Korean ship? Will we go to the aid of South Korea? (Myrna ~ Blackfoot, ID)
A. Not unless China is willing to lend us some more money. If war breaks out again, I guess we’ll just have to sit back and watch.

Q. With the news that Iran may have more nuclear research sites than we thought, what are we going to do about it? (Chester ~ Redmond, OR)
A. Nothing, unless China is willing to lend us some money. Maybe Israel will handle it. 

Q. I heard last night that the federal debt is rising so fast, it’s now at $72,000 per household. Where are we going to get this kind of money? (Orville ~ Napa, CA)
A. I want to be sarcastic and tell you to ask Obama. But, it’s not one damned bit funny, is it?

“The taxpayer - that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.” ~Ronald Reagan

TODAY’S VIDEO: (S.E.I.U. Stirs It Up Again?)


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


French President Nicolas Sarkozy wants worldwide financial regulations and he wants Barack Obama and the United States to lead the charge, according to his speech at Columbia University yesterday. He meets with Obama at the White House today and promised to deliver that same message.

Obama can’t resist the power; he’ll go for it. Hold on for another wild ride as the much feared “New World Order” revs up its engines.

Q. I heard yesterday that Congressman Bob Stupak and the other ten “holdouts” on the health care plan were rewarded with $4.7 billion in earmarks for changing their minds and voting “yes.” Is that true? (Miriam ~ Shelbyville, IN)
A. The day after they voted “yes,” the eleven filed for the earmarks to be added to a future bill. Stupak denies any deal was made and says that they filed on March 22nd simply because that was the deadline date for filing. It is interesting to me that they “miraculously” had the paperwork on the $4.7 billion ready to file and waited until the very last minute to file; it smacks of a deal. It also smacks of Chicago-style politics, a la Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama.

Q. How big a threat is domestic terrorism? (Jon ~ Augusta, ME)
A. Huge, and not just from radical Muslims, ether. As it came out yesterday, we have home-grown “militias” and other groups to contend with. Keep your eyes and ears open, even when you’re asleep; they’re batty.

Q. Has our government really gotten too big and is it really interfering that much in our lives, or do we just feel that way? (Milo ~ Florin, CA)
A. 65% of Americans surveyed think government needs to shrink and butt out.

“Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed.” ~ Barry Goldwater



Monday, March 29, 2010


One of the fifteen people appointed to high positions within the Administration on Friday is Craig Becker, a top lawyer for the S.E.I.U., which has donated millions of dollars to ACORN and which is absorbing some of ACORN’s entities. Becker is reported to have said that he supports American businesses hiring illegal aliens; Obama is reported to have said that he doesn’t care if Congress is against his proposed “card check” legislation to force union members to vote openly because he can get the job done by administrative order through the NLRB. Becker is being appointed to the National Labor Relations Board and both the Republicans and the Democrats have been opposed to his nomination for the above reasons.

It’s not unusual for Presidents to make appointments during Congressional recess and the Constitution provides for it. This particular nomination, however, reminds both the Democrats and Republicans that, like the rest of Americans, what they think doesn’t count.

Q. Do you really think that Congress is going to give full amnesty to the illegal aliens? (Enrique ~ Brownsville, TX)
A. Absolutely. And, now that the Democrats all know that their days are numbered anyway, what more have they got to lose by doing as Obama commands? It’s not like they’re virgins at being puppets.  

Q. Why hasn’t Obama now jumped onto getting people employed? (Olga ~ Solvang, CA)
A. He has his super majority control only until the election, or January at the latest. He has immigration amnesty and cap & trade on his list of things to get done while he can. Jobs are not one of his priorities. Watch what he does, not what he says.

Q. What’s going to happen with the GITMO trials now? (Major ~ Lubbock, TX)
A. Whatever Obama wants to have happen. I guess it will be a civil trial in New York City.

“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.” ~ Karl Marx



Sunday, March 28, 2010


After screwing the American public in general with the Health Care Bill, Congress adjourned for two weeks on Friday and left the unemployment benefits issue unresolved until they come back. This means that benefits and COBRA payments will run out for many on April 5th; those in this category have already been unemployed for at least 26 weeks.

It’s bad enough that the issue has not been resolved; it’s worse that (and over Easter vacation to boot) Congress chose to let these people suffer without any resources at all.  After shoving what will be an over a $1 trillion bill up our rear ends that we do not want, they are quibbling over a paltry $9 billion? Obviously, no one in Congress gives a damn about Americans. How dare they? Shame on us unless we raise holy hell about it!

Q. Where in hell is Searchlight, Nevada, and why is it there? (Fred ~ Gainesville, FL)
A. It’s midway between Henderson, Nevada and Laughlin, about 20 miles west of the Colorado River. It was established in 1898 and is at an elevation of 347 feet in the middle of the desert; yes, it gets hot there. Its chief claims to fame are gold mining, (now run out), an old military camp, and Harry Reid. Why they ever let Harry out of town is beyond me but, I don’t think they ever want him back.

Q. I saw Shasta County (California) Sheriff’s Deputy Jason Gassaway was nominated last night as AMW’s 2010 “All Star” for shooting the U.S. Bank robber and hostage taker in December. Why did he take two shots if he’s a sharpshooter? (Melinda ~ Round Mountain, CA)
A. I believe there were two sharp shooters, and I do not know the name of the other individual. The first shot broke the heavy glass in the bank window and was fired by the other deputy. The second shot, fired by Gassaway, found its mark. They have two shooters because they know the first bullet will be deflected by the glass.

Q. I remember as a kid how great this country was, how we all worked together and we valued our democracy and idolized our government. What has happened to us? (Cherry ~ Beckley, WV)
A. Whatever it is, it must be in the water, because there’s one helluva lot of people pregnant with it.

“I simply cannot allow partisan politics to stand in the way of the basic functioning of government." ~ President Barack Obama



Saturday, March 27, 2010


Cuba’s former dictator and Marxist revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has called Obamacare a “miracle” and a major victory for Obama. "We consider health reform to have been an important battle and a success of his government," Castro wrote in an essay published in state media, adding that it would strengthen the president's hand against lobbyists and "mercenaries."

"It is really incredible that 234 years after the Declaration of Independence ... the government of that country has approved medical attention for the majority of its citizens, something that Cuba was able to do half a century ago," Castro wrote.

Isn't this great?  In just a year, Obama has moved our country that much closer to a Cuban-style government!  I’m sure he was all aglow with his latest recognition. He probably ordered a new Castro “holiday tree” ornament to be created and hung next to Mao’s in December. A copy of this tribute will certainly have an honored spot on Obama’s ego wall, right next to his autographed copy of Hugo Chavez’ book, his Nobel Peace Prize, and his picture of Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn that was taken back in the 60’s. As an American, that just makes me sooooooo proud of our President.

Q. Why are they closing that big auto plant, Nummi, in the bay area? (Garth ~ Eureka, CA)
A. It wasn’t too long ago that their union got more concessions and wages out of General Motors and Toyota, right? And California and Fremont jacked up their taxes. So, GM and Toyota decided to take  their car manufacturing plants to Mexico and other U.S. locations for less cost and they decided to close Nummi. Yeah, the soon-to-be former employees have great wages and benefits, but no place to work. The great American workers union, S.E.I.U. stuck up for their members, right? Isn’t life wonderful?

Q. I never pictured the Tea Party as being radical and violent. With all of these attacks against the Democrats last week, what happened? (Betsy ~ Cottonwood, AZ)
A. It is a well-known tactic of Socialists and Marxists to neutralize their political enemies by making people afraid to associate with them. You get a few S.E.I.U. types to go and throw bricks through windows and make nasty phone calls and then you blame it on the Tea Party members, right? I smelled smoke when the first allegations came out about Tea Party members yelling racial epithets at the Capitol. If you remember, there were dozens of TV cameras and hundreds of video cams and cell phones there and no one got it on tape? B.S.! But, that set the stage for these goons to claim that the Tea Party is behind the brick throwing and the telephone calls. It will be interesting to see if anyone is ever caught and, if so, who they were associated with. If you’re looking for radicals, check out the backgrounds of Barack Hussein Obama and his White House Czars. Ask yourself why Black Panthers got away with intimidating voters in Pennsylvania on Election Day in 2008; they were arrested, charged, found guilty, and the U.S. Attorney General stuck his nose into it and dismissed charges. Why? In these times, we have to stop looking at things at face value and starting digging into “Why?”

Q. Do you think the Anthem Blue Cross plan to raise premiums in California helped the Obamacare get passed? (Patsy ~ Burlingame, CA)
A. Now you’re getting smart and asking the right kinds of questions. The timing was very convenient, wasn’t it? No insurance company in their right minds who was against the Health Care Plan would ever dream of such a stupid move, would they?  Makes you wonder how much of our money Tim Geithner sent them or their management to do that, doesn't it?  Or what favors they got out of the legislation? 

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” ~ Winston Churchill



Friday, March 26, 2010


A current national poll shows that only 16% of citizens think Congress is doing a good or acceptable job. A similar poll in California shows only 14% approval of Congress and only 9% approve of how the California legislature is doing its job.

So, Mr. and Mrs. America, when are you going to get off your butts and do something about it? If you’re not willing to stand up with the rest of us and shout these idiots out of office, if you are not willing to start paying attention to what is going on in Washington and Sacramento, if you are “too busy” to do a little fact-finding on your own, if you don’t have the American courage to stand with us, shoulder-to-shoulder and united in purpose to take charge of the situation and straighten out this mess, then… You really don’t have any grounds for complaint, do you? More and more Americans are discovering the truth about what is going on in our country and becoming willing to do something about it.  Join us.   

Q. It came out yesterday that there have not only been threats, but some overt action taken against members of Congress on both sides regarding their votes on the Health Care legislation. What do you think now? (Alice, Chehalis, WA)
A. Going public about such threats is to me an overt play to get sympathy and to divert attention from real issues. Keeping quiet about it and getting the authorities involved is the responsible way to deal with this situation. Violence of this nature is akin to tyranny and, given the volatility of the fact that members of Congress have refused to listen to the American people, such activity should have been expected and they should have been prepared for it. I do hope they nab those responsible, but there’s something in me that tells me these actions are being orchestrated to make those of us who don’t like this oppressive legislation look like terrorists and bums; that's the real reason this stuff is in the news.

Q. What do you think about Bin Laden’s threats to kill Americans if we execute Khalid Sheik Mohamed? (Velma ~ Barksdale AFB, La)
A. Bin Laden is nothing more than a pimple on a donkey’s ass. He hides in a cave and behind the skirts of women and trains others to commit terrorist acts. KSM, in fact, was involved in 9/11 at the behest of Bin Laden. If he gets executed for his act, Bin Laden should understand “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” and quit whining about it. Barack should invite him over for a beer in the garden and calm him down.

Q. What do you think about the various states filing lawsuits over the Health Care Plan? (Mel – Colusa, CA)
A. Good for them. This legislation tramples individual and state’s rights and is a violation of my Constitutional rights to decide about my own health care and not to pay for someone who wants to use abortion as a form of birth control, (except for rape, incest and endangerment of the mother’s life). It also provides for greater intrusion of government into my life and I have had quite enough already, thank you. Government is supposed to be working for us and not against us. 62% of Americans including 41% of Democrats want to continue fighting against this legislation.

“The media is too concentrated, too few people own too much. There's really five companies that control 90 percent of what we read, see and hear. It's not healthy.” ~ Ted Turner



Thursday, March 25, 2010


Several sophisticated cyber attacks have been launched from China against computer systems and networks owned by major U.S. corporations according to the WASHINGTON TIMES. The cyber-attack that occurred last fall against Google and other U.S. companies was part of a suspected Chinese government operation that used human intelligence techniques and high-technology to steal corporate secrets, according to reliable cyber-security specialists. There is a strong likelihood that the attacks included planting undetectable software on networks that could allow further clandestine access or even total control of computers in the future.

The Obama White House quietly issued instructions to Homeland Security and CIA a few weeks ago to back away from its investigations. I guess we owe them so much money that we have no choice but to let them do what they want.

Q. What do you think about ACORN folding up its tent? (Fern ~ Saint Paul, MN)
A. ACORN is NOT folding up its tent. It may be closing offices and changing names, but it will still be around doing its thing. It’s the same old shell game.

Q. What do you think about Republicans saying they will no longer cooperate with the Democrats? (Tinge ~ Kingman, AZ) 
A. They’re jerks for saying it and they’ll be bigger jerks if they actually go through with it. We should take the whole damned Congress, every last one of them, and change their damned diapers because their poop is really starting to stink bad.

Q. I hear there have been some death threats against some of the Democrats who voted in favor of the Health Care Bill? (Alice ~ Chehalis, WA)
A. They’re trying to get sympathizers with these stories. All public figures get death threats. It’s just a sad commentary on our society. I’m not excusing the activity or trying to diminish it, but it’s nothing new and those who are now talking about it are just asking for you to forget about the fact that they didn’t have the guts to stand up in Congress and voice their votes, one by one.

“Jobs that cannot be delivered must never be promised. It's unfair to raise people's hopes that way.” ~ Bill O'Reilly



Wednesday, March 24, 2010


There was a 90 minute confab behind closed doors in the Oval Office yesterday between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but no pictures were taken of the event and no official welcome was extended.

That refusal to extend courtesies of State underscores Obama’s arrogance and historical contempt for Jews. Obama has his health care plan shoved firmly down our throats and he has established himself as America's demagogue, so who needs Netanyahu anyway?

Q. Do you think it’s possible that Geithner and Bernanke are using money from TARP and the stimulus funds to bolster up the stock market? (Andy ~ Montague, CA)
A. Anything is possible with this bunch of bimbos.

Q. Now that health care has been signed into law, how long do you think it will take for our insurance premiums to start going down? (Bev – Hayward, CA)
A. What have you been drinking?

Q. I am a devout Catholic and I really object to my money being taken from me to fund abortions. Isn’t there anything I can do about that? (Mary Ann ~ San Ramon, CA)
A. Actually, there may be some avenue by declaring yourself as a conscientious objector where you could refuse to pay taxes.  That's based in the same foundations that young men refused to participate in the draft.  Or, change your religion; Obama is more powerful than God and, if you’re not clinging on to your guns, he doesn’t give a hoot about your religion.

“This moment of euphoria is going to pass.” ~ Karl Rove



Tuesday, March 23, 2010


A Federal Judge ruled yesterday that Congress immediately start funding ACORN again. Last fall, Congress shut funding off when it was discovered that ACORN was in a sea of scandal, including probably misappropriation of funds and various violations of the law. The ruling says that Congress acted illegally, since it did not investigate and find ACORN guilty of any wrong doings on its own. President Obama was formerly legal counsel to ACORN.

This ruling is just as distasteful as the recent Supreme Court ruling that the law banning foreign and corporate donations to campaigns and campaign advertising was unconstitutional. Nevertheless, it is also the correct legal decision. I think that Congress knew in both instances that their laws would ultimately be declared unconstitutional. In that manner, they can keep on with business as usually while maintaining the appearance of doing things in the right way. This is just another example of the vast corruption and political bankruptcy occupying the seats of power in Washington.

Q. Now, after all of this, will they get the jobs problem fixed? (Blythe ~ Lafayette, LA)
A. They can’t. The primary reason we are losing jobs is that with high taxes and costs of doing business in the U.S., (such as the costs of insurance, which will now skyrocket), domestic businesses are moving their labor-intensive jobs out of the country where they don’t have these costs. Since there is no tariff or import tax, this is the only way they can compete with foreign businesses. Passing the Health Care bill simply adds to that problem. If anything, look for more layoffs.  

Q. How do you feel about the public funding of abortions? (Sandee ~ Culver City, CA)
A. I’m madder than hell about it. I am going to be one of the first to refuse to pay taxes on the basis of being a “conscientious objector.” That stance got college kids out of being drafted, and should therefore be recognized as a legal defense to paying taxes.

Q. Do you really think they are going to try and push through Cap and Trade and gun control? (Rod ~ Murray City, UT)
A. Now that they have won the toughest of their battles to run us into a socialist-Marxist country, just who is going to stop them? Batman?Are you willing to join the battle? 

“Baby killer!” ~ Unknown voice screaming from Republican side of the House



Monday, March 22, 2010


It was a battle fought to the bitter end against the will of the American people. Every dirty political trick and gimmick was employed. There were lies, manipulations, misinformation and disinformation. There were promises made that have already been broken and the ink hasn’t even all been applied to the finished product yet.

Members of Congress had the chance to stand up and let their “yeas and nays” be heard last night, but they refused to do so… obviously because they knew what they were doing was wrong. Just hours before the big votes were taken, they flatly turned down proposed language that would have required them to be insured through this “great, historic legislation,”just like the rest of us. 

By failing to bow to the wishes of the American people, they have become a pox upon our democratic republic.

What now?

Some have vowed to keep the fires lit and the battle going, and that must certainly be done. We cannot allow ourselves to fall victim to their willingness to roll over from our principles at the mere whisper of command and dictatorship from their leaders. In the best interests of our children and their children, we must continue to wage the fight for what is right in this country, because that fight is a morally fit and proper thing to do.

We must stand by our principles and beliefs; those who refused to do so simply must be removed, whatever it takes.

The Republicans are quick to promise that they will carry the fight forward,  but before we jump on their bandwagon we must remember that they had chances to fix the health care problems in the past and they did not step up to the plate. And, we must remember that most of the issues that face this nation today were caused by both Democrats and Republicans alike.

Before we trust the battle to the Republicans, we need to extract from them solid proposed health care legislation of their own that will appropriately address the issues and resolve them without enlarging an already over-zealous government. They need to carve out such legislation, word by word, and to openly share and discuss their plans with the American people before November so that, if we agree, we can then join them in the fight. In so doing, corrective legislation can be introduced and passed in January.

This must be our goal, and we must work together as Americans every minute of every hour of every day to make it happen. The Republicans have vowed to win in November, but that objective must not be allowed to morph itself into being the goal that we seek. Our goal must be to restore our government of the people, by the people and for the people to its rightful owners and to correct the course of our nation.

Here is another chance for the Republicans to step up to the plate. The next few days will tell us whether are not they are sincerely up to the task. 


(Back with our regular blog tomorrow)

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Facing intense public pressure and a legal opinion that their strategy would not get past the Supreme Court, the House dropped its tactics to avoid voting on the Health Care Policy and to vote only on a measure to “deem” the Senate version as being passed. The stage is now set for the House to vote on three bills Sunday, (1) to bring the “fix it” bill out of Committee and on to the floor for a vote, (2) voting on the “fix it” bill, and (3) voting on the Senate bill.

If I understand this process correctly, the Senate bill if passed would go to the President to be signed into law and the “fix it” bill would go to the Senate for consideration and action; if passed without change, it would then go to the President for signing, but the Senate could choose to vote it down or to let it sit without any action at all, or the President could veto it, in any which case the current Senate-passed version of the Health Care Plan will be the law of the land.

The fact that they chose to drop the “deem” plan tells me that the public pressure has been overwhelming. Neither Obama nor Pelosi are inclined to back down for any reason. The Dems have been saying they don’t need the “deem” anyway, since they have enough votes to pass without it. Nevertheless, the President made a trip to the Hill to campaign against the “no’s” and ask for passage, which leads me to believe it’s not a done deal. If it does pass, it will be a direct confrontation with the majority of the voters who are against it and an admission by the Democratic Party that they don’t give a damn about what the citizens of this country want.

Q. What happened with the Tea Party in Washington yesterday? I heard there were some bad remarks? (Kerry ~ Boca Raton, FL)
A. A few black members of the House claimed that Tea Party protesters called them the “N” word when they were walking to the Capitol to vote. While I personally think that Obama’s lousy attitude toward American rights as the first Black President will set the black rights movement back 100 years, I have to say that the use of the “N” word, if it actually happened, is way out of line, inflammatory, and not useful.

Q. When will all of the sex scandals in the Catholic Church ever end? (Maurice ~ Santa Clara, CA)
A. I believe that the breakdown of values, morals and ethics in all segments of our societal leadership is directly leading to what is going on in Washington right now; in fact, we are losing all respect for any authority and, when that happens, you get anarchy.

Q. What’s with the racial flap at a Wal-Mart store? (Darnette ~ San Carlos, CA)
A. Last Sunday, a teenager got on the P.A. system at a Wal-Mart in Washington Township, NJ and announced, "Attention, Wal-Mart customers: All black people, leave the store now." A manager quickly apologized for the remark over the intercom, but local blacks are quite angry. Wal-Mart is placing the microphones away from public access.

“Americans are going to have to come to grips with the unpleasant realization that we now have a cavalier and fascist government which owes no allegiance to its citizens.” ~ Unknown Scribbler



Saturday, March 20, 2010


The House is claiming it has its 216 votes and Obama proclaimed in Virginia yesterday afternoon that the Health Care Bill WILL be a reality. As expected, the “Deem It Passed” method will be used and the vote will take place tomorrow. The passage includes all of the sweetheart deals that were made, including government takeover of the Education Loan Program.

Democracy in this country has just been destroyed. Hang on to your guns and religion because things are now going to get really nasty.





Friday, March 19, 2010


More than 30 states are poised to launch legal challenges to the Obama Health Care Plan if it passes and gets signed into law. The challenges run everywhere from outright refusal to participate to declaring the law to be a violation of state’s rights, to calling it a violation of individual liberties, to even requiring that state Congressional delegates comply with the wishes of their constituents before making future votes. Virginia already stands ready to challenge the legislation on the basis of its Constitutionality. Idaho has passed a law requiring its Attorney General to sue the Federal Government if it tries to force residents to buy health care insurance. In the meanwhile, Obama has said that he doesn’t care how it gets passed, (what dirty tricks are employed), he just wants it passed.  Pronto.  

Who is this tyrant who is tearing this country apart? And, for what purpose?

Q. How come none of Obama’s math on this Health Care Plan adds up? (Marv ~ Palo Alto, CA)
A. Because he went to Harvard; a degree from Harvard automatically entitles you to claim anything you want, and it is not within the realm of peasants to question.

Q. Did I hear that they have already peeled off some money out of the health care plan for doctors that is not being counted in the $940 billion total cost estimate? (Penelope ~ Bryn Mawr, PA)
A. Yes, before Christmas.

Q. With Obama changing his trip plans again, I guess that means he is expecting the legislation to pass Sunday? (Stephen ~ Las Cruces, NM)
A. Not only is he expecting it, he is obviously demanding it. Be clear: this is an edict, not a request. There will be holy hell to pay in Washington if anything goes wrong.

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” ~ Plato



Thursday, March 18, 2010


President Barack Obama yesterday took immediate and full control of his interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier.

Baier was hard put to ask a question and to get a straight response. Although he tried to pin the President down, all he got was a “dance like a butterfly” answer. Obama said nothing he hasn’t said before and he skirted around full and direct answers. It was all show and Baier didn’t live up to his task. Obviously, that’s what Obama expected and that’s why he chose Baier for the interview.

(My apologies to those who submitted questions for yesterday's post.) 
Q. They tell me it’s so tense in Washington right now that you could almost slice the air with a knife. Do you think they can pass this damned health care bill by Saturday or Sunday? (Gus ~ Walnut Creek, CA)
A. The plain fact is that they are bound and determined to pass it and they know it’s rotten to the core, so they are using every dirty trick in the book to get it done and they don’t care about you and me. Given that frame of mind, they could get it passed by Sunday. Only you can stop it.

Q. I’ve heard from several major networks that all phone lines to Congress are plugged. Doesn’t that mean that we’re ticked off? (Greg ~ Minneapolis, MN)
A. Yes, but you also have to consider the far left calls as well. They are also ticked off. Especially George Soros, and I hear he’s got speed dial.

Q. What do you think about Dennis Kucinich changing his health care vote from “no” to “yes?” (Emma ~ Nashville, TV)
A. I’d feel a lot better about his decision as being an honest and independent decision if he had made it before his flight on Air Force One. 

"I'm trying to answer your question and you keep on interrupting." ~ President Obama, in avoiding a question.



Tuesday, March 16, 2010


EARLY POST for March 17, 2010

Nancy Pelosi announced Monday night that she intends to use a so-called “Slaughter Solution” to pass the Health Care Plan without a House vote.;contentBody

The bastards are stealing our government and this is now becoming government by dictatorship. All telephone lines into Congress have been busy, busy, busy…They must be off the hooks so they cannot hear the uproar. This is not government by representation, this is government by dictatorship. They must all be impeached. You may think I am a raving lunatic… but these are the cold, hard facts. They have circumvented the Constitution. This move will be made and done with by the weekend and signed into law by Fuhrer Obama! If this happens as planned, it will only be the beginning of a massive government takeover and the end of our Constitution and Bill of Rights!

This is an outrage and is treason against our Constitution.

None today due to Health Care Breaking News

"I like it, because people don't have to vote on the Senate bill." ~ Nancy Pelosi




Drug wars in Mexico are running rampant along the U.S. border. Workers in the U.S. Consulate in Juarez have been killed. Students are disappearing and the U.S. government is issuing warnings to Americans planning to visit there. The State Department noted that some of the recent clashes resembled small-scale warfare, with drug cartels using automatic weapons and grenades.

Burdened with a weak President who is preoccupied with getting a health care plan passed, we really need to heed the State Department warnings and stay out of Mexico. This is a very dangerous situation that could erupt in U.S. cities at any moment. It is all the more reason to buy a gun, learn how to use it, and get a permit to carry it. It appears to me that if the radical Muslims don’t get us, the Mexican drug czars will.

Q. The White House, Pelosi and Reid are running around saying that they have the votes on the Health Care Plan. So, why not vote and get this debacle over with? (Maybelle ~ Pacifica, CA)
A. Because they don’t have the votes. Obama, Gibbs, Pelosi and Reid lie like rugs. Isn’t it our national shame that we have leaders of this caliber?

Q. I heard that the banks are saying credit card delinquency is down and that is a sign the economy is recovering. What do you think? (Harold ~ Saint Louis, MO)
A. Lower credit card delinquency means that people are paying down their bills, banks are writing off debt balances, or that users are running up balances, (which makes the percentage of delinquency lower). Since credit card balances are going rapidly down, that means charges are not going up. Money being spent by consumers to pay down debt doesn’t contribute to the economy, and credit being written off is a sign of bad times. Anyone who says we are out of the woods is either an imbecile or a politician, (or, most likely, both).

Q. What do you think of the John Edwards thing? (Kyle ~ Yankton, SD)
A. What I see is that Edwards fell head over heels in love with another woman. I don’t see that as being an affair in the typical sense of the word. When this is all over, I think they may marry. The travesty is the manner in which Edwards handled it from the outset. He should be ashamed of dragging his wife through this muck and of asking others to assist him in a cover up. He was probably afraid of the public opinion mill if he divorced his wife while she is suffering from cancer. But, if that marriage was on the rocks and could not be repaired, then the right thing to do would be divorce and let the chips fall where they may. In the long run, it seems to me that there would be less hurt and tragedy if that had been done. As for Mrs. Edwards, if she was such a great wife, I don't think Edwards would have been looking around.  Are any of the three without blame?  No, but as they say, "stuff happens." 

“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower



Monday, March 15, 2010


At the last moment and in order to pass the House version of the Health Care Bills, Nancy Pelosi last fall allowed Bart Stupak to add an amendment against public funding of abortions. She has now said that she is abandoning that amendment and that she is willing to go for the Senate version which does not contain a provision against public funding of abortions. Congressional leaders are hoping they can find enough support from other wavering Democrats to pass legislation that only cleared the House by five votes in an earlier incarnation.

And she wants Representatives to rely on HER promise and Reid’s promise to pass a new bill after the first one is passed, to include a provision explicitly against public funding of abortion? Yeah, right. But, it should be remembered that she was openly crowing Saturday that they have enough votes to pass the Senate version. This has to mean that she has either signed on some Republicans or that she has converted some more Democrats who voted against the House version last fall. At the same time, all of this drama is happening while public opposition to the plan is increasing and while Obama’s popularity is sinking. But, the Three Stooges continue to ignore what we think.

Q. Does anyone really have any idea how much the new health care plan will cost? I’ve heard so many figures, I don't know what to believe.  (Albert ~ Salem, OR)
A. No. The only things we do know for certain are that we are going to continue paying our own health care costs for the next four years PLUS paying for the new plan which does not go into effect for four years PLUS higher taxes.

Q. What will happen if the health care doesn’t pass this time? Is this really the “final final?” (Sissy ~ North Hollywood, CA)
A. They’ll pass a small portion of the bill and declare victory.

Q. Why do they have daylight savings time, anyway? (Denny ~ Oak Harbor, WA)
A. So they can get the Health Care Bill passed an hour faster.  

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”  ~ Desmond Tutu



Sunday, March 14, 2010


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, speaking at the renaming of a Post Office building in San Francisco, was beaming from ear to ear as she announced the House will pass health care legislation. She exclaimed that Congress is "on the verge of making history" and insisted that she has the votes to make it all happen, regardless of what the Republicans think.

Okay, Your Royal Highness, go ahead and pass it. Let’s see what happens after you do. Judging by the mood of America right now, you and Harry should probably have your pompous fannies on Obama’s plane when he heads for Indonesia…..

Q. Are you concerned about these American Jihadists that are being caught? (Manly ~ Chico, CA)
A. I’m not sure if we’re catching more or if we’re just reporting more. The Bush administration kept most such things under wraps. However, the fact that we’re now catching domestic American terrorists who have turned Jihadist does concern me. Your next door neighbor could be about to become one…

Q. Why do you think Rahm Emanuel failed to give Congress all of the information it requested during his confirmation hearings? (Owen ~ Los Gatos, CA)
A. I don’t know why. I mean, Congress does report to Emanuel and Obama anyway, right? So, what did Emanuel have to fear? I think maybe this is a red herring to get our minds off of the health care plan.

Q. I hear they’re talking about replacing Grant with Reagan on the $50 bill. Why? (Nona ~ Albany, OR)
A. Because Obama declined. He wants to be on the $100 bill.

“A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.” ~ Benjamin Franklin



Saturday, March 13, 2010


The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco upheld the use of the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" on U.S. currency, rejecting arguments on Thursday that the phrases violate the separation of church and state. Sacramento atheist Michael Newdow claimed the references to God disrespect his religious beliefs. "I want to be treated equally," Newdow lamented.

Equally with what? Look for him to take it up to the Supreme Court. If he doesn’t win there, he can always take it on upward to Obama.

Q. Has your opinion changed on Eric Massa, with all of the allegations of sexual misconduct and his appearance on the Glenn Beck Show? (Lionel ~ Tempe, AZ)
A. The jury is still out. I’m wondering why none of the people he has supposedly fondled and groped have come forward to make a statement.

Q. How do you think the f*****g health care plan stands at this point? (Carter ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. Ominous. 50-50, which is not good. Everyone needs to get in contact with their Congressional delegation now… I do mean now. Yes, Pelosi’s phone will probably be off the hook, but try anyway.

Q. With the continuing Toyota problems, do you think they’ll survive as an American competitor? (Zulu ~ Pacifica, CA)
A. Yes.

“Democracy is constructed like an edifice, freedom by freedom, right by right, until it reaches its snapping point.” ~ Abdoulaye Wade



Friday, March 12, 2010


Nancy Pelosi has, according to “reliable sources,” told Rahm Emanuel to quit setting deadlines for the passage of the health care, admonishing him that he does not run Congress. Yesterday, Pelosi announced that the Health Care Bill will not be passed by March 18th as President Obama and the White House Chief of Staff had decreed. The Queen had the Democrat House Members in a closed-door caucus for most of the day, where it is rumored she has been haranguing and bullying them into line, but she has met with resistance.

Obviously, they don’t currently have the votes in the House necessary to pass the legislation. The delay will give Pelosi and associates time to get ammunition on the recalcitrant members, either through background investigations, bribes with taxpayer money, threats of losing committee assignments, or water-boarding. Don’t count her out; this can still be accomplished before the Easter recess.  Obama desperately wants to give the nation a big fat egg. You know, all sarcasm aside, I don’t think this is really democracy in action; I think it’s more like fascism.

Q. Isn’t there some way we can force politicians to listen to what we have to say? (Charlotte ~ Dallas, TX)
A. The real problem is lobbyists and special interests. With campaign financing being such as it is, lobbyists and special interests have the ability to “buy” what they want and, as long as it’s not their personal money being spent but the taxpayer’s instead, politicians have no problems complying with the wishes of those who donate to their campaigns. I’m of the opinion that we are going to have to find some way to limit campaign spending, even if campaigns become financed by tax money with ceilings attached. The problem still would remain with campaign ads being paid for by corporations, etc; the right to free speech keeps us from shutting that down, but we could restrict it by saying that the media has to give equal time to both sides in a political race.

Q. What’s the ruckus with the Supreme Court all about? (Whitney ~ Carson, CA)
A. The Constitution provides for three separate and distinct branches of our government, being the Executive (President), Legislative (Congress), and Judicial, (Supreme Court). The President is not supposed to run Congress; Obama’s and Emanuel’s power plays are totally out of line. Congress is not supposed to run the President and neither Congress nor the President is supposed to try and run the Supreme Court. As a matter of fact, the mechanics of the Supreme Court are designed to isolate it from all outside pressures including political. The fight is over the Constitutional guarantees of free speech. Congress passed a law restricting corporate donations to political campaigns in the form of advertising. The idea is right on line, but the right to free speech trumps the idea; you can’t prevent such corporate ads in that manner. Obama has called Chief Justice John Roberts and the Supreme Court every name in the book over that decision. Roberts has stood up for the Court and rightfully so; Obama needs to get it through his thick head that he is not the oligarch yet and we Americans will fight any battle we have to fight to keep him from becoming one. He’s acting like a spoiled little tyrant.

Q. What’s your opinion of a National I.D. card? (Pansy ~ South San Francisco, CA)
A. It gives the government more powers over you. If you don’t "shut up and get out of their way," your card gets voided and you can’t even buy groceries. If you think I am being far-fetched, that our government would never allow something like that to happen, look at the coercion being exercised against Members of Congress right now by the President, Pelosi, Reid and Emmanuel on this health care plan. The government is already running rough shod over the country; what do you think will happen if they enact a National I.D. system? They say the card would contain a chip holding information pertinent to your biological identity; would not the next logical step be to just implant a chip in your neck? I know they’re saying this would solve the problem of illegal aliens, but that is no excuse for such a far-reaching law. There are other ways to stop illegal aliens; doesn’t it strike you as odd that the government isn’t using them?

“A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright



Thursday, March 11, 2010


Vice President Joe Biden chastised Israel for building homes in the disputed territories; Israel responded by announcing plans to build another 1,600 homes there.

Good for Israel. Screw Obama and his damned anti-American agendas.

Q. So, there’s a new richest man in the world? Is he married? (Juanita ~ Kerrville, Tx)
A. Carlos Slim Helu from Mexico is top dog, worth about $53 billion. He’s widowed and has six children and they all hate Texans.

Q. Now I hear that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is speaking out against Obama. Is our government falling apart? (Tessie ~ Alexandria, VA)
A. Obama seems to be intent in making that happen.

Q. Is the American Tea Party going to evolve into a third political party? (Lyle ~ Calabasas, CA)
A. Maybe. This is not the election for them to become a third party. However, if they start organizing seriously now, they could play a major role in 2012. Right now, they would just split off enough votes to keep Obama’s cronies in power. That being said, I think there are those in the Republican Party who would like to shanghai the Tea Party. I don’t think that every Tea Party member would be happy with that. So, it is up to the Republicans, in my view, to show something besides lip service and political promises in 2010 and, if they don’t, the Tea Party should be prepared to field national candidates in 2012, because none of us are particularly fond of either the Democrats or the Republicans. Oh, I forgot about Arlen Specter.

“The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.” ~ Ronald Reagan



Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Without fanfare, the Democrats are planning to tack on to Senate version of the Health Care Plan a provision allowing the Federal Government to totally nationalize the student loan program and to make it into an entitlement.

I really hate to use these words but, to be blunt: the arrogant audacity of these assholes never ceases to amaze me. Yet, since we know what happened with their last spending bill and all of the hidden projects and agendas that got tacked on to it, why should this surprise me? What a mess this country has gotten itself in to!

Q. Now, they’re insisting that resigned Rep. Eric Massa groped male staff members and made overt sexual advances. (Fitz ~ Indianapolis, IN)
A. The innuendos are that Massa’s claim of being forced out because he was going to vote against the health care plan was a red herring. If that was the case, however, why wouldn’t Massa go after the Republicans instead of the Democrats? Although many are steering away from this story, I still say that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And, I really didn’t intend to use the word “innuendo” in this reply, but it could be quite a play on words, couldn’t it?

Q. I hear that the feds are looking at glomming on to Social Security benefits to old collect debts. (Myra ~ Long Beach, CA)
A. A couple of years ago, the Farm Bureau was able to have the 10 year Statute of Limitations lifted in order to collect unpaid small business loans. The IRS is now considering the same move. Obama needs the money to pay for the Health Care plan.

Q. Did I hear that a clerk in the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office was embezzling money from the Concealed Weapons Permit fund? (Gary ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. Yes. She’s been convicted and is being sent to jail for five years. But, I still think you will be able to get a CCW permit; just check with the jail to see what the visiting hours are.

“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.” ~ Ronald Reagan



Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Democratic New York Representative Eric Massa is resigning in the midst of an ethics investigation, but alleges that he is being coerced out by forces within his own party who are ticked off that he is going to vote “no” on the health care bill. He says that he was confronted and told that his vote was the essential swing vote and, when he said he was going to vote against the bill, the allegations of sexual misconduct started, not by the alleged victim but by a third party. "With the departure of Congressman Neil Abercrombie (D), who is running for the governorship of Hawaii, and with the tragic and very sad passing of my personal friend Jack Murtha (D-Pa.), mine is now the deciding vote on the health care bill and this administration and this House leadership have said, quote-unquote, they will stop at nothing to pass this health care bill. And now they've gotten rid of me and it will pass. You connect the dots."

Did Pelosi send Hoyer to do her dirty work for her? She has the reputation of being a ruthless dictator when it comes to getting her way. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Q. What did you think of the Oscars Sunday night? (Candy ~ Englewood, CO)
A. I didn’t watch them; is that a new reality show?

Q. Now there’s word that the world’s oceans are suffering from areas of low oxygen that are killing off fish and vegetation and that this is being caused by global warming. What do you think? (York ~ El Paso, TX)
A. Doesn’t that claim about global warming ring similar to Obama’s continued pursuit of his health care plan? The more he’s being proven wrong about these things, the louder he yells and insists that he’s right. He’s like a spoiled little brat, yelling and screaming because he can’t have his way. I gather that he’s also used to his parents giving in to him. I’m sorry, but wah, wah.

Q. Did you hear Obama’s argument yesterday that insurance premiums will keep on rising unless we pass his health care plan? (Brent ~ Chester, CA)
A. The major causes of rising premiums are the cost of malpractice insurance, the high costs of drugs, hospital costs, shortages of medical professionals, and insurance company profits. How many of these things do Obama’s plan address? Zero. What’s to keep them from continuing to rise under his plan? Nothing. So, what do we have to gain under his plan? Just continued higher premiums and new taxes, that’s all. Plus, we’d be paying higher premiums and taxes for four years before the new insurance even takes effect, which is against the law. How can you make me pay for something I’m not getting?

“A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.” ~ G. Gordon Liddy



Monday, March 8, 2010


Iran said Saturday that it is producing a new line of highly accurate short-range ballistic missiles. Iran’s defense Minister said the missile can be fired from ground-based launchers as well as ships, but would eventually be modified to be fired from helicopters and submarines.

The day is fast approaching when we are going to have to deal with this situation. We should be dealing with it now, but our President is too busy working on passage of his health care plan.

Q. Do you think Mitt Romney will run for President? (Angela ~ Worcester, MA)
A. Absolutely. But, if the Republicans can’t come up with someone better to be their standard bearer, we might as will have a one-party political system. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of leaders who talk out of both sides of their mouths. I want someone we can trust and who won’t betray that trust.

Q. What do you think about all of these people announcing they are not running for reelection to Congress? (Luis ~ Carpenteria, CA)
A. Mixed emotions. As you know, I think every incumbent should be out, regardless of party. On the other hand, here you have incumbents who are willing to vote for something they know their constituents are against, and then to get out before they have to face the backlash. What kind of American does that?

Q.  Is there a move on to impeach President Obama? (Leland ~ Durango, CO)
A. Kesha Rogers, a "Lyndon LaRouche Democrat," has won the Democratic primary in the 22nd Congressional District of Texas with 53 percent of the vote. Her campaign was built entirely on a single theme, that President Obama must go, that his attacks on this nation - with his dismantling of the manned space program, his efforts to ram through a fascist, killer health care policy, his endless bailouts for Wall Street swindlers while demanding budget cuts which will increase the death rates among the poor, the sick, the elderly and the unemployed - are not acceptable and will not be tolerated, and that he should therefore be impeached. That’ll really rattle Louis Farrakhan’s cage.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!P.J. O'Rourke



Sunday, March 7, 2010


The Congressional Budget Office is predicting that the national debt will increase by $1.2 trillion more than previously projected because revenues will not be as high as calculated under President Obama’s budget.

Well, doesn’t that just frost your gizzards? Obama made another mistake? See what a Harvard education will get you? I hope you are going to be happy paying for it, because I’m just about ready to jump out my window. I think this guy is literally leading the country over the cliff.

Q. Just what are all of those White House Czars doing, anyway? (Tippy ~ San Marcos, CA_
A. That seems to be a national secret, but you can bet they’re not playing Parcheesi.

Q. What’s the big deal about the elections in Iraq? (Opie ~ Weed, CA)
A. For one thing, ten years ago you either voted for Hussein or you got shot. This will be their 2nd election, I think, and they still have vast divisions within the country. It will be interesting. Hussein is not in the running.

Q. Toyota seems to be getting in to more and bigger problems at every turn. Where will this all end? (Socrates ~ Southfield, MI)
A. Their U.S. business will survive. All American car manufacturers have had their share of recalls and scandals. But, Toyota has a good history of a reliable product and they have really fumbled the ball lately. They are taking a hit on their sales of new cars, but they’ll be back on top within a year or two. I don’t think the government will have to buy stock in them to save their fannies…

“Everything's fine today; that is our illusion.” ~ Voltaire



Saturday, March 6, 2010


The President has sent word to Congress that he wants his Health Care Bill on his desk for signature by March 18th so he can sign it before he goes “on tour.” This news comes on the heels of word that he has been jawboning and applying pressure to the 10 Democrat Representatives who voted against the plan last fall.

He’s one arrogant, self-centered and pious s.o.b. isn’t he? I’m actually beginning to think of him as being “despicable.”

Q. Unemployment stands at 9.7%; what happened to the predictions it would go up? (Bridget ~ Yuba City, CA)
A. This administration has been known to play with the figures on many things. I don’t trust the 9.7% figure at all. Just based on the way it is computed, I think it’s probably closer to 10.5% or even 11%. Once you factor in the underemployed and those who have fallen off the rolls for one reason or another, I think it may be as high as 21% or 22%.  His fuzzy math sure outdoes my fuzzy navel...

Q. What do you think about the pentagon shooting? (Cyrus ~ Culver City, CA)
A. The guy was upset with government, as was the guy who flew his plane into the I.R.S. building. You can’t participate in making things better if you’re dead. Violence isn’t the answer.

Q. With all of these earthquakes going on, what do you think the odds are that there will be another major quake in the western U.S. in the near future? How do we prepare for that? (Gloria ~ Citrus Heights, CA)
A. I think the odds are high for another major quake along the North American coastline over the next 12 months. To prepare, get on the internet and look for earthquake preparedness sites. Keep your gas tank full, keep bottled water handy, stock up on canned food and get some religion; join the Quakers.

"Some folks are wise and some are otherwise." ~ Tobias Smollett


ACLU weighs in, demands civil trial.

Friday, March 5, 2010


California college students, ticked off at tuition hikes, protested in Sacramento and San Francisco yesterday demanding a reversal of the hikes. Protesters are upset over budget cuts that have led to canceled classes, faculty furloughs and steep fee hikes. The protest comes at a time when the state is facing a $20 billion deficit.

This is only the beginning of “paying the piper” for decades of extravagant spending by the state legislature and by Washington. “Gimmee, gimmee, gimmee,” has been the demand of those who think a socialistic government should provide everything for us and that capitalism sucks. See where it has led us? Now, I agree that education should be a top priority, but it does happen to rank below law enforcement, fire protection, terrorism, and the national defense in my book, and now we have a President who seems bound and determined to pile on more expenses that will further raid the dwindling state funds and taxpayer pockets. It’s almost as if he is purposely fomenting a revolution. In any event, the students should save their breaths and start digging diligently to find state-run programs that are lower on the priority scale and that can be cut to free up funds for education. You and I know that the legislature does not have the guts to do this job.

Q. Did I hear that there is a move on in Massachusetts to ban circumcisions and they don’t care what your religious beliefs are? (Gilda ~ Palm Springs, CA)
A. The same old story, "Don't get snippy with me."  I couldn't resist.  Yes, just as there is a move on in southern California to require overweight people to have their food intake restricted. These moves, by the way, are under the guise of the new Health Care Plan. See where this is all going? Yes, more and bigger government control over your life. Barack wants to move in with you.

Q. What do you think about people carrying side-arms in plain sight? (Lauren ~ Washington, DC)
A. Shoot! I think they’re unwise; who do they think they are, Matt Dillon? They are inviting trouble in many ways; what are they going to do if someone sneaks up behind them and grabs their gun? If you have need to carry a side-arm, get a concealed weapons permit. To me, carrying a side-arm in the open is almost like brandishing a weapon and those who do it give those of us who believe in the right to bear arms and who carry concealed a bad name.

Q. You are a senior citizen. Are you upset that the Senate turned down a $250 special check to seniors, disabled, and veterans yesterday? (Stinson ~ Bodega Bay, CA)
A. Number one, what was such a proposition doing tacked on to a jobs stimulus bill? How many jobs am I going to create by spending $250? $250 won’t even buy a cart full of groceries. Second, Obama said that the money was to make up for the fact that we Social Security recipients didn’t get a raise last year. Well, that’s fair. The cost of living did not go up and our Medicare premiums did not go up last year, so why give us $250 to make up? It’s a cheap shot at buying votes, as far as I’m concerned, and an unneeded $13 billion addition to the national debt. If Obama wants to do something really nice, he can send ME the $13 billion; to hell with everyone else. (I’ll share with you…really I will…)

“We are becoming so accustomed to millions and billions of dollars that ‘thousands’ has almost passed out of the dictionary.” ~ Everett Dirksen



Thursday, March 4, 2010


This man is obviously disconnected from reality. I think you can kiss his Presidential power goodbye; I don’t know that this country has ever had a President become a “lame duck” in the second year of his first term. But, he’s definitely brought it on himself. That's too bad; 95% of the country was at least willing to give him a chance. 

Q. How do you feel about Jerry Brown’s candidacy for California Governor? (Chiquita ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. I’m glad to see a viable Democrat enter the race. It’ll be nice to have some choice in November, but I really would have preferred someone new to politics.

Q. How do you feel about Charles Rangel stepping down from the Ways and Means Committee Chair? (Buck ~ Lawton, OK)
A. It’s only temporary, but the fact that he finally did so is an indicator that there’s more substance to the allegations that is about to be revealed. Gosh, do you realize that he will be the first politician to ever be accused of tax evasion or ethics violations? My, my, what is Congress coming to?

Q. Rep. Bunning was right in demanding to know where the money is coming from for extended unemployment benefits. All they are doing is giving lip service to cost containment while they keep on spending. How can we stop it? (Hatch ~ Pleasanton, CA)
A. It’s is very sad to have to say this. When we elect people to office, we expect them to do the right things, to make the right decisions for the country. Why we have to put chains on Congress in order to get them to comply with those expectations, I’ll never know. I guess we need two Constitutional Amendments: one for term limits and one to limit spending. Either that or we need to start taking a closer look at who we are electing. I also think we should limit the length of each session, say to 90 days; longer sessions should not be necessary; as most states have learned, all you get from longer sessions is stupid laws.

“Americans well know that the books are full of bad laws that were passed because doing nothing was not an option.” ~ Unknown Scribbler