Wednesday, February 15, 2017


The real story behind the departure of Michael Flynn is not being told.  Informed sources say that the information which proved Flynn was lying when he told Pence that he did not discuss sanctions with the Russian ambassador was classified, and justifiably so.  Therefore, when that information was “leaked” to the press, it was a total violation of national security. 

All of which goes to show that there are those in high government positions who deal with classified intelligence who are willing to breach national security for political reasons.  In days long gone in this country, such people would be sought out, charged with treason and hung or shot in the public square.  Maybe it’s time we got back to those ways. 

Q. There’s a buzz going around that Hillary is going to run for president in 2020.  Do you really think she might?  (Fern ~ Henderson, NV)
A. The Democrats are insane enough to try it, but I really think she plans to run again in 2017 after they impeach Trump. 

Q. The Democrats are in a feeding frenzy ever since they got Michael Flynn. Their next target appears to be Kellyanne Conway.  Do you think they’ll get her?  (Kip ~ Lake Pontchartrain, LA)
A. No.  She made a flippant remark about everyone should be buying Ivanka’s clothes; if you listen to it, it was not a pitch, it was a sarcastic rebuttal to a dumb question.  Now, if they had kept Flynn, both would be vulnerable; but bumping Flynn out saved Conway.  Someone needs to remove the left-wing of this country and let them all go spend some time at Guantanamo with the real terrorists of the world.   

Q. Why are the Democrats so berserk over Trump’s removal of illegal alien criminals?  Who wants convicted criminals from any country here in the U.S.?  (China ~ Portland, OR)
A. If we get rid of all of the illegal alien criminals, the Democrats won’t have anyone left to vote for them in 2018.   

“Insanity: A perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.” ~ R.D. Laing


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