Tuesday, February 21, 2017


As minimum wages go up across the country, businesses are looking for more ways to cut labor costs.  One way is to fire all cashiers.  The technology industry is now working on a way whereby the consumer would have an app in his/her cell phone; as they enter the store, the app would automatically turn on.  As they select items from the shelf and scan barcodes, the app would collect the information; as they exit the store with the items in their cart, special scanners would scan the cart and compare it to information in the app.  Your credit card would be automatically charged and a receipt would be emailed to you. 

No standing in lines?  About 3.5 million cashiers would be out of work.  The irony here is that the new technology will be costly to manufacture and install, but because wages are shooting up faster than the Consumer Price Index, the new systems will pay for themselves in short order.  So, enjoy your $15 minimum wages while you can because I don’t imagine that anybody is going to be willing to accept $12 an hour and keep their jobs. 

Q. I am so sick and tired of all of the mean-spirited yacking by the Democrats and Liberals, and it doesn’t seem like it is going to get any better.  How can we shut them up?  (Archie ~ Littleton, CO)
A. They have succeeded in bullying the rest of the country through their shouting and attacking.  We have to stop being polite and go on the attack ourselves.  They have no basis for their arguments and in most cases don’t even have an argument to begin with.  It’s amazing how so many of them don’t have the slightest idea of what it is they are talking about. 

Q. A friend recently told me that ObamaCare has many hidden taxes that will be gone when we get rid of the program.  Like what?  (Carlisle ~ Hayward, CA)
A. The individual mandate tax, the Flexible Spending Account tax, the Chronic Care tax, the tax on “Cadillac” plans, the Indoor Tanning Excise Tax, and the Healthcare Savings Account early withdrawal tax.  Don’t know about all of those, did you?  That’s what Obama and Pelosi call “transparency.” 

Q. I hear the left-wingers are planning to stop paying taxes to the federal government until Trump resigns.  What do you think will happen with that?  (Vicki ~ Daly City, CA)
A. I actually like the idea; once they’re all in jail, maybe they’ll shut up.   

“I’m spending a year dead for tax reasons.” ~ Douglas Adams


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