Monday, November 23, 2015


While Obama came out yesterday and said we will not give up on the fight against ISIS and we will be “relentless,” word from the battle lines is that any U.S. fighter or bomber heading for an I.S.I.S. target must first get the okay directly from the White House to drop its bomb load or fire a rocket missile and that… 75% of the time, that request is denied. 

That means 75% of the missions are aborted after they acquire a target.  And Obama’s henchmen in the White House keep telling us how many bombing missions they are doing every day.  Obama never heard of the word “relentless” until French President Hollande used it after the Paris bombing.  Obama has proven beyond a doubt to be a liar, a Muslim crony and a traitor to American national security.    

Q. Do you think the fear of terrorism will affect holiday shopping this year? (Gina ~ Denver, CO
A. I think that shoppers will do more shopping via Internet and less out there in the crowds.  I also suspect that shopping overall will be down somewhat; I don’t care what Obama would have us believe, our economy is still in very bad shape and the costs for food and health care are soaring. 

Q. I’ve been wondering where Loretta Lynch would stand when push comes to shove with Obama, and I understand she has just said that Obama cannot legally transfer any Obama detainees to stateside prisons.  Will that end his plans?  (Di ~ Southfield, MI)
A. No.  He has demonstrated his contempt for the law on many occasions and will continue.  In his mind, anyone who attempts to stop him is going to pay a heavy price. 

Q. Did I hear this correctly, that there are known terrorists working for the TSA?  (Vic ~ Cottonwood, CA)
A. That’s close to being correct.  Actually, the TSA investigated and discovered 73 employees of airlines are on the terrorist watch list.  I would imagine that there are many of those who would have the ability to sneak a bomb aboard a plane.  And Obama says you have no right to be afraid. 

“Al Qaeda’s top leadership has been neutralized.”  ~ John Kerry, as Al Qaeda was busy attacking the Radisson Hotel in Mali. 


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