Wednesday, August 27, 2014


After it became known that Lois Lerner was an instrumental figure in the IRS targeting scandal and after she resigned while Congress was subpoenaing everything and anything regarding the scandal, the IRS took the IRS issued cellphone used by Lerner and wiped it clean. 

In all probability, the same Obama team that erased or locked up all of his birth records, immigration documents, college transcripts, social security information and dog license history has been out there in force over recent months erasing all traces of Lerner emails.  I’m reasonably sure that her personally-owned PC has also crashed. Of course, no one is mentioning the multi-billion-dollar NSA facility in Utah that records everything.   

Q. I see your position is that we cannot legally go after I.S.I.S. in Syrian if Assad doesn’t give us permission.  What do we do if he refuses?  (Carol ~ Arlington, TX)
A. Nuke Assad. 

Q. The federal government is warning that any action against I.S.I.S. could result in retaliatory attacks from U.S. based terrorist cells.  How did they get here in the first place?  (Lynette ~ Edmonds, WA)
A. They walked across the Mexican border or they are U.S. citizens who became radicalized Muslims. WE… I repeat, you and I and our friends, relatives and neighbors allowed it to happen because WE have not been demanding responsibility in our government.  That’s a fact.  And right now, they’re growing like toadstools in a manure patch. 

Q. What do you make of the report that the State Department is using our taxpayer dollars to purchase Obama-written books?  (Quint ~ Santa Maria, CA)
A. Come on, Obama is just trying to raise enough money to cover his green fees.  Have reasonable expectations: most liars are crooks as well. 

“Most liars are crooks as well.” ~ Unknown Scribbler


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