Thursday, August 7, 2014


At the behest of atheist organizations, the I.R.S. has readily and willingly been targeting various religious groups looking for any utterances by church members or leaders that might possibly be construed as “political speech” so that their tax exempt status can be removed. 

It should be patently obvious to the nation that the I.R.S. is not simply a benign tax collecting organization.  It is in and of itself a mini-government within a government… a political tool of the President and a powerful governmental agency running rampantly roughshod over the nation. 

Q. How do you think Obama feels about his low approval ratings across the board?  (Tilly ~ Boise, ID)
A. I don’t think he cares.  In his mind, he is the omnipotent one and we are the peasants.  We don’t know beans about running a country and he does, so what we think is immaterial.  He is hell bent on saving us from ourselves.  God save the King. 

Q. Why is Harry Reid being relatively quiet lately?  (Al ~ Hurricane, UT)
A. Harry is always quiet when something bad is brewing.  You’ll notice that he quieted down not long after the Cliven Bundy Ranch episode when it came out that his son was heavily involved in a Chinese effort to buy that land and that Reid himself was somehow involved in the background, pushing BLM to force Bundy to pack up and leave. So, he’s just a typical Democrat blow-hard now waiting for things to blow over.  

Q. What is your opinion of President Obama’s press conference [yesterday?] 
A. It is nice to see a few more journalists finally asking some pointed questions.  I heard at least two of them, but then again he had a bunch of foreign journalists in the room.  In reality, nothing Obama says anymore about anything means spit.  He is a pernicious and persistent fabricator of fiction. 

“”On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does.” ~ Will Rogers


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