Friday, August 15, 2014


Gay illegals are demanding that any new rules or laws pertaining to illegals who are parents be written with the gay community in mind.  Hispanic and immigrant rights groups want Mr. Obama to broaden his 2012 “deferred action” policy granting tentative legal status and work permits to so-called dreamers, or young adults who were brought illegally to the U.S. as minors, so it will include illegal immigrant parents whose children are either U.S. citizens or dreamers.  Gay illegals are arguing that they face unusual circumstances that otherwise might leave them on the outside.

My, how nice. 

Q. Here they go again; I thought this was against the law.  I watch FOX NEWS quite a lot and I’ve noticed recently they are really turning up the volume on advertisements.  (Claire ~ Redding, CA)
A. Hey, if the President can do illegal things and get away with it, why can’t everybody?  The next thing you know, FOX will contract with DISH to find out who watches their channel, and then they’ll place robo calls to you just before the ads come on the air to remind you to watch them.  Isn’t technology wonderful?  I’ll bet you didn’t know that Rush Limbaugh and Barack Obama spend a lot of time texting each other, did you?  Yes, Claire, that’s where global warming came from.  Maybe they will have a “Hug Moment.” 

Q. Why were the ugly details of Robin Williams’ suicide released to the media?  (Cal ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. Because the public demands to know.  They like pictures of beheaded children, heads on poles dancing in the streets of Iraq, car crash victims… you name it.  They send text pictures of themselves sitting on commodes.  What has our country become?  You’d think everyone has become Democrats. 

Q. How do you feel about al-Maliki finally stepping down?  (Irving ~ Susanville, CA)
A. Given his steadfast refusal in the past and given Obama having his back to the wall over the Iraq issues, I suspect the U.S. is paying al-Maliki a few million bucks under the table to get out… not that Obama would do anything unethical like that with U.S. taxpayer money.    

“There is a point at which the law becomes immoral and unethical.  That point is reached when it becomes a cloak for the cowardice that dares not stand up against blatant violations of justice.” ~ Kurt Huber

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (I think he forgot his toothbrush)

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