Monday, January 11, 2021

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!

If you think things are ominous and scary right now, wait until after January 20th! You ain't seen nothin' yet! 

Conservatives supporting Trump are being labeled as "domestic white-supremacist terrorists," and the Dems plan to use anti-terrorism tactics and laws to go after them, according to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald.  Using the invasion of the Capitol as an excuse, the left will develop a scorched earth policy and attack civil rights. They plan to fully clamp down on 75 million Trump supporters before they have a chance to develop any defense. 


Why did Capitol Police turn down help from the DOJ and Pentagon before the riots? Why were they waving the throng in through Capitol fencing? 

Lindsey Graham is making all kinds of promises, as usual, about that he is going to do. He never did anything when he could and now, of course, he can't! He's part of the minority party. 

So many people are flocking to that its servers are overloaded.  

Everybody who is anybody is torching Trump, as if they are the innocent, sweet-young-things they'd like you to believe they are.  

Corey Lewandowski is promising a huge backlash in 2022. From who? It sure as hell won't be what's left of the Republican Party! 

Biden is promising that, by the end of his term in office, the NRA will no longer exist. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Let's unite and get behind Trump." ~ Congressional Republicans

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