Friday, January 8, 2021

Turmoil In The Capital

Even before the rioters had been removed from the Capital, the media was blaming the Trump supporters, going so far as to call the acts an "insurrection." Anyone in his right mind could tell that the terrorists, and that's what they were, had come prepared with ropes, bricks and even bombs; these are all hallmarks of Antifa scum. The Democrats, not to let a good opportunity go to waste, promptly called for the President to be removed under provisions of the 25th Amendment. 

The RINO garbage in Congress showed their true colors, as did RINO White House employees, by turning on the President without having all of the facts in front of them. Everyone immediately labeled all of us who support Trump as being rioters, traitors, terrorists and insurrectionists.  The whole debacle has, it seems, been seized upon by the left as an opportunity to oppress and suppress American patriots.  


Why did the media, Twitter and Facebook block Trump's address asking protesters to go home in peace?  If they were indeed insurrectionists, Why did they heed his plea? 

President Trump and Vice President Pence are having their own war behind closed doors. Schumer is demanding that Pence invoke the 25th Amendment,vowing to impeach Trump if Pence doesn't comply.  

Is the coup d'etat now complete? 

Late yesterday, with virtually no media coverage, it leaked out that Trump marchers valiantly tried to pull the rioters out and away from the Capital.  The media obviously stokes hatred and division.  

All of the talking heads are now telling us what we're supposed to believe we saw. 

This could be the start of an American Revolution. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "We are now solidly in control of the country. WE control the narrative" ~ Mark Zuckerberg


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