Monday, January 4, 2021

Just When You Thought Things Couldn't Get Any Weirder

Casey Anthony is opening a private investigations firm in Florida!

Nancy Pelosi's house was vandalized, including having a severed pig's head show up...

New York is considering making it mandatory for people to take the Covid Vaccine!

Portland's Mayor is upset that the Antifa thugs refuse to settle down! 

New York City Mayor DeBlasio shut down Times Square for New Years due to Covid, and so that he and his wife could dance by themselves!

Carlos Roman, owner of Bread and Barley in Covina, California, was issued a notice of closure by the health inspector forcing his business to close. So, he used his car to block the health inspector's car from leaving, saying "If we can't work, he can't work!"

A woman protesting coronavirus lockdowns in the United Kingdom was arrested at her home just hours after she posted a video showing empty hospital wards. 

Back in March and April, when there was no hand sanitizer to be found in the country, distillers stepped up to the plate and converted their manufacturing output to help fill the gap.  The FDA now wants to fine them $14,000 each for"user fees." 

Governor Newsom's California, with some of the most strict Covid restrictions in the country, has the highest rate of infections!  

Up to half of health care workers in some parts of California are refusing to take the coronavirus vaccine. Governor Newsom, who has been citing a shortage of healthcare workers, will probably fire them.  

California's funeral homes say they are running out of space! People are dying like flies and funerals aren't allowed due to "social distancing." Funeral homes are actually turning business away! 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "America, as it once was, no longer exists. Change is complete." ~ Barack Hussein Obama

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