Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Oppression and Tyranny Begins

CNN has launched a push to shut down OANN and Newsmax TV.  "We are going to have to figure out the OANN and Newsmax problem," Alex Stamos, a former Facebook chief security officer, told CNN's Stelter. "These companies have freedom of speech, but I'm not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and such bringing them into tens of millions of homes." 

Mike Lindell, owner of My Pillow, says threats have been made against his vendors to quit selling his pillows or face retribution from the Democrat left for supporting Trump. Sales are dropping. We need to support him by buying his products. 

House Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump are wishing to hell they hadn't as state party officials and constituents raise holy hell.  

Congressional Democrats, fearing more Americans will have their fill of social policies and cram-downs, are demanding that a permanent wall be built around the Capitol and that all citizens be kept out.  

I suspect that TV ratings during the inauguration are going to be at their lowest in recorded history.  

Yes, Kamala Harris should be impeached for her bailouts of BLM and Antifa rioters.  

What a nation we have when a Congressman who consorted with a Chinese spy gets to handle the impeachment of our President and continue to serve on an intelligence committee.  

Mitch McConnell has proven himself to be what I always thought he was... a self-serving snake of the worst kind.  

Get ready to fend off a huge stockpile of gun-control legislation, already in the hopper.  

The majority of Americans in a NBC poll are worried about the next four years under Biden.  

The Democrats are doing everything possible to deny us Americans the right to decide for ourselves whether or not to re-elect Trump in 2024.  

Iran and China have already started to flex their muscles, as thousands of illegal immigrants make their way to our border. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "The uprising from the American peasants has been successfully quelled." ~ Nancy Pelosi

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