Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Iron Stake Of Fascism Now Strikes

Be careful of what you say, to whom you say it, when you say it and who else might be listening; if it offends those in power, you might well pay the price! They can shut down your communications, you know. In fact, they've already started! Through their control of social media and the news, they determine what you can see, what you can hear, who you can visit online... and they're already eliminating the "offenders." 

They've only just begun. If Comcast, Verizon and AT&T determine your phone conversations or the people you communicate with don't meet their standards, you could be suddenly isolated from humanity altogether when your phones, Internet, and mobile phones go dead. And, what happens if they shut down your credit cards and seize your bank accounts? Scary thought, isn't it? Pay attention to what's going on!   


The news these days is that the FBI is claiming "armed protests" are scheduled for all state capitals on inauguration day. You already know that "they" will let Antifa and BLM do whatever they want, including burning, pillaging and beating.  What peaceful protester among us would show up unless he was armed?   

Don't let their calls for unity blind you to the truth!

If you use the phrase "stop the steal" on Facebook, you're going to be censored or suspended. 

Be patient with When Twitter, Instagram and Facebook started banning conservatives, people started signing up for GAB and Parler by the millions. GAB was adding 60,000 users an hour! Then, Amazon shut Parler down and everyone on Parler started moving to GAB as well. GAB is adding capacity rapidly, but still running at a snail's pace. They should be up to par within a few days.  

The citizens are afraid, and that's exactly where those now in power want us.  

The main reason Pelosi wants Trump impeached is to prevent his team from continuing to uncover the massive election fraud.  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Trump will never know what hit him." ~ George Soros and Barack Obama

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