Wednesday, May 13, 2020


When pressed, Biden said he was "aware" of the Flynn investigation by the Obama team, but knew "little" about it.  So, there he was... in that now infamous Oval Office meeting on January 5th of 2017 with Obama, Rice, Yates, Comey and some intelligence lackeys.  We know that after that meeting ended, some of them continued, including Obama, Comey, Rice and Yates.  They discussed the Flynn matter and Obama's intentions in great detail.  Everything I've seen says that Biden was also there.

So, where are the tapes?  Just what role did Biden play in that in-depth planning discussion?

GOP Senators are worried about losing their majority in November?  They should be!  With leaders like Lindsay Graham who keep promising to look into the sinister deeds of the progressives and Democrats, but who do nothing, the country is fed up to its ears.  Republicans need to either shit or get off the pot.  So far, they have been nothing better than complicit in the coverups and lies.

Biden raised more than $60 million in April.  I wonder how much of that came from George Soros?  

Do I understand that cities and states run by Democrats are artificially inflating their Chinese virus statistics in order to make Trump look bad?

Trump walked out on the White House Press Corps?  How DARE he?!  Off with his head!

California's 25th District is having a special election on Tuesday.  At the very last minute, officials decided to open a special in-person polling place in a heavily Democrat area.  They have evidently followed that up by mailing duplicate mail-in ballots to Democrat voters, opening the door wide-open for voter fraud.  Somebody needs to go to jail.

Pelosi is now going to pass a $3 trillion new stimulus package.  She's bound and determined to get those Planned Parenthood abortions funded at our expense one way or another! 

Maxine Waters has spilled the beans: She says "We don't want businesses opened back up!"  

You can go to the beach, but you are under stay-at-home orders?  Besides, you are not allowed to sit on the sand.  I'd like to pound some of that sand!  

"We're now in charge here!" ~ Democrats

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