Friday, May 29, 2020


Under the new Pelosi rules, House Democrats can now stay in the privacy of their own homes and vote on legislation without making public arguments for or against, and nobody will ever know what happened or where they individually stood on issues.  If you think this is open government you need to read a book on civics! What's to prevent her from holding secret impeachment proceedings? 

How will you know who to vote for... or against... in November if  they get away with this?
The media obviously wants Americans to die from Covid-19!  They just don't know how many would be acceptable!  That's why they keep badgering Trump and his staff for an answer! 

Kathy Griffin has come out from underneath her decadent rock again, this time to encourage President Trump to inject himself with air.  Someone needs to send her to Venezuela, where she'll be much more comfortable.  

They just caught a man at Logan International Airport with $138,000 in cash on him.  He was probably going out to buy a steak...

When do you think some government control freak will suggest implanting chips in all citizens in order to track them and keep them six feet apart?  If you get too close, you get an unpleasant shock! 

Although no governors are talking about it, indications are growing that the worst of the Chinese Virus is over and that we may not see a "second" wave or resurgence as previously feared.  Even Dr. Fauci has greatly softened his stance.  However... whether or not Democrat Governors will ever be willing to give up some of their newfound powers remains to be seen. 

Given what we know as of this post, one has to wonder why the Minneapolis cops are not already in jail. 

"I don't give a damn what the citizens want!  I'm in charge here!" ~ Gretchen Whitmer

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