Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Dems have told the Supreme Court they need to have Mueller's grand jury records so they can prepare for their second attempt at impeaching President Trump.  With everything they have done to this country and with their overtly unconstitutional actions being forced upon Americans by Democrat governors during the Chinese virus, they have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that they are America's Public Enemy Number One. 
Don't you agree it's time that We, The People, take our powers back from the Democrat governors and the Congress?  Or, do you really enjoy living like this? 

Michigan citizens and the State Legislature need to remove Gretchen Whitmer from office before she causes rioting and looting in the streets. 

Despite having recently released prisoners committing more rapes and murder, California's Governor Newsom plans to reduce the prison population even more by closing some prisons altogether and reducing sentences.  He needs money to fund the stimulus checks for California's illegal alien population, a move seen by many to be an overt attempt to buy illegal votes for the Democrats in November.

Lindsey Graham, (not the Senator, but a salon owner in Salem, Oregon), says state authorities sent child protective services (CPS) to her home as part of their response to her ongoing business operations in defiance of Gov. Kate Brown’s (D-OR) statewide “stay-at-home” order.  Evidently, they feel that Graham is an unfit mother because she reopened.  Tyranny reigns. 

New York's Mayor Bill DeBlasio is ranting that anyone who goes into the beach water over Memorial Day weekend will be physically yanked out and, presumably, hauled off to jail. 

Having read in a recent issue of the Washington Examiner that there was a huge surplus of chicken wings, I headed to Safeway to buy some.  They were sold out, so I flew the coop. 

"The Democrats make everyone ashamed to be called an American." ~ Harry S. Truman

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