Friday, May 8, 2020


The Los Angeles city council, in sheer violation of the Constitution, is considering seizing hotels and motels which refuse to house the homeless.  A motion says, some hotels have been "unwilling to participate, reneged on initial interest, citing security concerns, liability issues, objections from corporate management or fear of lost revenue from being branded a 'homeless hotel,'" according to KABC.

Although the Constitution contains explicit language against the government's quartering of troops in a citizen's residence or the seizure of citizen's property without "due process,"  (court order), several other cities are considering such a move as well.  They're pushing us closer and closer to outright civil disobedience and justifiable revolution.  This is why they've all been so hell-bent on seizing our guns and ammo.  
San Francisco has been providing free drugs and alcohol to homeless addicts who are in hotels during coronavirus.  Be sure to pay your City taxes on time...

With well over 33 million people now out of work in the U.S., that means they are now available to march on Washington and state capitals to demand an end to this endless tyrannical behavior.  Politicians should be shaking in their boots instead of threatening us with jail time!  

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, responding to growing protests about her dictatorial and unfair Chinese Virus orders, has doubled down by extending that state's lockdown to May 28th. 

Under threat of having the Director of National Intelligence release House Judiciary transcripts regarding the committee's investigation into the Russian "collusion," Chairman Adam Schiff has agreed to stand aside from his stonewalling and allow them to be released.  My guess is that Schiff's transcripts will be heavily redacted, whereas the DNI's would not.

General Michael Flynn can finally get a good night's rest.  

"I can provide you with all of the particulars about who did what during the FBI's framing of General Michael Flynn." ~ Loretta Lynch 

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