Monday, May 18, 2020


Two things of note happened last week... things that are basically being kept under wraps by the mainstream media.  First, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, (FISA) was renewed, largely untouched.  Secondly, a proposed amendment to the Act to prevent the Feds from tracking your internet history without a search warrant failed by one vote.

This means that the abuses of the Act by the Democrats under the Obama Administration can continue, unabated.  There's not a damned thing you or I can do about it except to vote out every Democrat and Republican who voted for it. 
High level Dems and former law enforcement intelligence officials seem to be doing everything they can to keep General Flynn "charged and prosecuted" in order to prevent him from returning to the White House and unmasking them for who they truly are. 

Typical fascist dem John Brennan unmasked General Flynn's name to the media and now is madder than hell that he has been unmasked for doing it! 

Nancy Pelosi's House is planning to shut down until the middle of July.  The nation can take her stimulus plan or shove it.  In the meanwhile, they passed a bill to allow them to vote from anywhere and by proxy.  That's unconstitutional, but what do they care?  Who's going to stop her? 

How can California's Governor Newsom cut the state's school budget when all of the state winnings from the California Lottery are supposed to go to education?  Oh, I forgot: The Dems dropped that facade years ago and just moved the school money straight into the general fund...

So, the high falootin' model that predicted all of these millions of deaths from Chinese virus was wrong?  Why are we still locked up?  Mounting evidence indicates that states run by the Democrats have the highest percentage of cases because... they want to make Trump look bad.  Yep!  That's why states run by Republicans have fewer reported cases!

If you think the Democrats are acting squirrely right now, things are going to get worse the closer we get to November elections and more news about their past misdeeds oozes out.  

"The Republicans are correct!  We need to exercise better fiscal control." ~ Governor Gavin Newsom 

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