Monday, September 23, 2019


Fancy Nancy is going to introduce legislation to allow a sitting president to be indicted.  Dementia has taken root. The only Constitutional redress to a sitting president is impeachment.  

On another note, Princess Alexandria is once again feuding with Queen Nancy.  I figure the queen is getting too old and senile to carry on the fight much longer.
If Meghan McCain had any sense, she'd stay away from The View entirely.  But then again... when is the last time any McCain displayed any sense?

Imagine the thrill of having sex at the gate to Area 51... totally out of this world.

The main reason that most Democrats are not in an insane asylum is... hell, I don't know the answer to that either.

Spartacus is running of of money and may have to fold his campaign.  Just to show you that I'm open minded, I'm willing to contribute.  Does anyone out there have change for a nickle? 

You would think Dems in the House Oversight hearing with Candace Owens would all be in bandages after Owens justifiably put them in their places last week.  But, they're all so angry and wrapped up in themselves, I don't think they heard a word she said.

They caught a drunken school bus driver in Washington State, driving while the bus was full of kids.  Of course, there's a law against that.  And, as in the case of anti-gun legislation, they can write a dozen more laws making it a crime and that won't stop some future school bus driver from driving while drunk.  

America's "nanny state" has done it again: A six-year-old female student in Florida threw a temper tantrum and authorities did what any responsible person would do under the circumstances... they fingerprinted her and arrested her.  

Out in sunny, illegal-immigrant infested California, a lady was caught pushing $6,000 in quarters down the street in a baby stroller; she had just stolen the quarters in a burglary.  My initial reaction to the story was that she was a two-bit hooker going to the bank to make a deposit. 

"The queen rarely loses her temper; but when she does, she brooks no argument." ~ Ingrid Seward

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