Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Bernie Sanders was in a town hall last week when a disgruntled, evidently Republican baby started crying.  Bernie did what Democrats always do when they get challenged and told the baby to sit down and shut up. 
So Kamalalala Harris wants Debbie Whatsername-Schultz to be her vice-presidential running mate?

Princess Nancy Pelosi is warning that Republicans will have hell to pay unless they pass "meaningful" gun control legislation.  I say that Republicans will have hell to pay if they do pass such gun control legislation. 

The proof that John Bolton's exit as National Security Advisor was a bad move on the part of President Trump came yesterday afternoon when Ilhan Omar exclaimed, "Good riddance!"

Why do you suppose it is that Nadler's Judicial Committee doesn't want to ask DOJ Inspector General Horowitz about his findings into allegations that Comey did gross wrong things at the FBI during the period President Trump was alleged to have Russian collusion activities?  Could it be because these same  Dems were the ones behind Comey's agenda? 

The major problem with the Washington DC. protest to demand President Trump's impeachment last Monday at 11:00 AM is that... not a single soul showed up.

OAN, (One America News Network), has filed a $10 million suit against MSNBC and Rachel Maddow for their “false and malicious libel” against the conservative cable news channel.  They alleged that OAN is a puppet for Donald Trump, among other things.  

"If idiots were energy, the Democrat Party could supply the whole world with electricity." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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