Friday, September 6, 2019


California's Cracker Jack Governor, Gavin Newsom, has just signed into law a bill that says when a cop asks for a citizen's help, the citizen can tell the cop to go pound salt.  Imagine a cop, bleeding in the street from a gunshot wound, asking someone to call the paramedics and the person walks away, letting the cop die.

And Newsom expects men and women to sign on as law enforcement officers in California? No wonder crime is soaring in the "Golden" State. No wonder every law enforcement agency in the state is grossly understaffed. 
It's official: You and I are now terrorists.  That's correct.  San Francisco is now labeling the NRA as a Domestic Terrorist organization.  Shoot!  Let's start our own caliphate! 

Seven people were shot and killed, and three dozen were injured in Chicago street shootings during the Labor Day weekend.  Why aren't the liberals talking about that? 

Smokin' Joe Biden wants to outlaw all guns capable of shooting more than one bullet.  I suppose passing such a law would force all criminals to turn in their AR-15's and 9mm pistols? 

Bernie Sanders says he supports worldwide abortions in order to stop climate change.  Let's start by aborting all fetuses in the Democrat Party. 

The Republican Party is out there warning the country could be in deep peril if Republicans are not re-elected in 2020.  Why should we re-elect the idiots who have this country in deep peril right now?  

The snakes in the pit are now starting to bite each other.  Democrat candidates for the party's presidential nomination are slamming the DNC for making drastic cuts in who will be able to participate in their next debate.  Hiss!

"When you step back and look at how the Democrats are conducting themselves, you have to wonder who opened the gates to the asylum." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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