Friday, June 14, 2019


Presidential contender Eric Swalwell makes no bones about it: after he's elected president, he intends to confiscate all AR-15's in the country.  But, that's only the beginning; once that task is competed, he's going after handguns.   Where he intends to go after that is anybody's guess, but he has previously made it clear that he doesn't give a damn whether Americans want gun control or not... they're going to get it.  
I know I'm going to be accused of being a racist and Islamophobic, but I'd still like to know more about Ilhan Omar's campaign finance abuses, her schemes to decrease her taxes and her fake marriages.  

A married couple in Dallas, Texas, awoke in the middle of the night to find an illegal alien intruder rummaging through their room; he was buck naked and had nefarious intentions.  But, we can't talk about it, because it's not politically correct to talk honestly about illegal aliens.  

Nobody's come right out and said it yet, but the main reason the Dems want the citizenship question removed from the 2020 census is that they want illegals to feel free to vote illegally for a Democrat for president.  

How about we all chip in and send the DNC to the Dominican Republic for their next convention?  

Bernie Sanders says Americans would be "delighted" to pay more taxes in order to support socialism. 

Have you noticed that when the Dems conduct hearings on The Hill, they conduct them in closed session whenever they're afraid of what the witness might say in public?  

“Mr. Speaker, it is tiring to hear from so many sex-starved males on this floor talk about a woman’s right to choose,” said  California Representative Norma Torres on the House Floor, while waving her arms around.  How can she say that when all members of Congress are screwing everybody every minute of every day?  

There is no truth to the rumor that Sarah Sanders is going to work for the 2020 Bernie Sanders Campaign.  

The Office f the Special Counsel wants Kelly Anne Conway fired immediately for violations of the Hatch Act.   If they're going to start firing people in Washington for engaging in political activity, they're going to have to fire 70% of the bureaucrats for working night and day trying to get Clinton elected. 

"Truth is buried in a dark, damp basement room far, far below Nancy Pelosi's office." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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