Friday, June 7, 2019


NEWSMAX.COM reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reiterated in a meeting with top Democrats earlier this week that she doesn't want to see President Donald Trump impeached — she wants him behind bars.  Her stated objective came during a meeting with top Democrat leaders, during which Jerry Nadler demanded that his committee be allowed to start impeachment proceedings immediately. 

Why are the Republicans in Congress remaining so docile, while the man who helped them get elected gets relentlessly attacked by such incredulous scumbags? 
Mired down with exorbitant taxes,  plagued by thousands of people fleeing the state, and infested with the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York  State Legislature is passing a law to... make it illegal to declaw cats, because that's cruelty to animals.  These are the same cretins who support the right to abort a human fetus. 

Australian climatologists are claiming civilization will end by the year 2050.  As far as I can tell, civilization in the United States has already ended.

Yes, ISIS has actually been sending terrorists into the United States across the Mexican border.  They're probably drawing welfare and getting free health care while they're plotting how to destroy our country. 

I wonder where in the Constitution it says that our government can force us to do things against our will, such as to provide flowers for a gay wedding or to teach five-year-old boys that they can become a girl? 

The announced plans of Rudy Giuliani to leave as President Trump's personal attorney will be s severe and adverse blow to the President... and the good of the nation. 

I guarantee you that if 80% or more of the employees in that Virginia public works building had been armed and trained, the mass shooting would never have even been attempted, let alone executed. 

John Kerry says has hasn't discussed anything "substantively" with Iran behind America's back.  So, he traveled all of the way to Tehran to talk about golf and the grand kids?  

"American hate is not new, and it is not scarce." ~ Ilhan Omar

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