Monday, June 3, 2019


They had 18 attorneys with unlimited and unleashed hatred of Donald Trump who spent well over two years turning over every rock in the country in an effort to find something to pin on the President.  Not one of those 18, including Mueller himself, has come forward to dispute the conclusions of Mueller's report.  You can bet your sweet petunias that if there was anything... any slightest thing... that Trump did wrong, it would have been leaked long ago.

So, suck it up, Dems... when it comes to impeaching President Trump, you don't have a pot to piss in.  If you really must persist in getting vengeance for Donald Trump being President, go ahead and blame the Russians... and Hillary... and Barack Obama... and your party.  Put the real blame where it belongs.    
I think that the Dems should pick Rashida Tlaib to be their presidential candidate.  She does a much better job of angering Americans than Hillary ever could.

The two House midgets, Schiff and Nadler, should move past their short-man syndromes long enough to either impeach President Trump or to shut up and sit down.  They'll undoubtedly need to get hemorrhoidectomies before they sit, however.

California's grotesque Governor Gavin Newsom is inviting all women who will be denied abortions in other states due to new laws to come to California where they will be treated with open arms.  California wants to become the nation's abortion capitol and will undertake any abortion, before or after birth, for any reason and, while Newsom is 100% against capital punishment... infanticide seems to be okay by him. 

Blowhards in Dayton, Ohio were outraged one night last week when WKEF interrupted a showing of "The Bachelorette" to advise viewers of an impending tornado. 

Rashida and Ilhan: If you don't like our country, pack up and get the hell out!  

There's absolutely no truth to the rumor that Barack Obama is going to play Batman in the upcoming movie.  

"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." ~ Dante Alighieri

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