Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Scouting USA, better known as the Boy Scouts of America, is about to lose more than 425,000 members.  The Mormon Church has decided to sever all relationships with the organization because it now allows gays, gay leaders and girls into their program, which is against the church's religious teachings.

It's nice to see someone in this country who is still willing to stand up for what they believe in.
A man allegedly placed a homemade bomb behind a Pennsylvania hotel on Sunday and claimed it was a warning that aliens will destroy the planet if humans didn't "start being good people, police said.  There is no indication as to whether or not the man is related to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The two-faced lizards in the intelligence community gave different briefings to Hillary Clinton than they did to Donald Trump.  

If you don't have health insurance in California, you're going to get fined and/or thrown in jail.  But, don't worry about it; at least you won't be in the can with a bunch of illegal aliens, because they get their healthcare for free. 

In San Francisco, it will soon be illegal to smoke or buy E-Cigarettes in the City, but it will continue to be okay to shit on the sidewalks.  

So, "Uncle Joe" Biden has been spending millions of bucks since he left office.  Where did he get that kind of money?  Could it be that he and "Barry" got an under-the-table kickback from Iran after they forked over $150 billion in US currency?  Jest sayin'...

The United Nations is reporting there has been a rise in mental illness around the globe.  Evidently, they visited Capitol Hill...

"Insanity is an affliction of Democrats and Liberals, brought on by self -aggrandizement." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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