Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Largely unnoticed and unmentioned in the mainstream media, the Supreme Court Monday rejected a lawsuit by an atheist attorney to remove the words, "In God We Trust" from all American currency and coinage.  The Court refused to hear the case without comment.  Maybe there's hope for this country after all, but we still have a long ways to go in restoring some semblance of sanity to our society.   
Do you suppose that the Dems might be thinking of hiring John Dean as their in-house prosecutor when they go pursue President Trump's impeachment?  Naw, they wouldn't be that dumb... would they?

As part of its ongoing intensive review into potential misconduct by U.S. intelligence agencies during the 2016 presidential campaign, the Justice Department revealed Monday it is also investigating the activities of several "non-governmental organizations and individuals," including the involvement of "foreign intelligence services." I presume that might include the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton campaign, George Soros, Christopher Steele and Uranium One.  

Why can't Americans hold Pelosi, Schumer, Cummings, Schiff and Nadler in Contempt of We the People?

Having determined that Pelosi won't willingly let her have the House Speaker's job, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now conniving to run against Schumer for the Senate.  She also says Members of Congress deserve a raise to keep them from being inclined to take money from lobbyists.  She doesn't add that she knew what the Congressional pay was going to be before she decided to run for her office. 

The main reason FOX NEWS is moving to the left is so that it can demand more advertising revenues, the public need be damned.   

"We should be ashamed of ourselves for putting up with the totally worthless, mindless idiots we have elected to Congress." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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