Monday, May 6, 2019


With Attorney General William Barr now on the trail of graft, corruption, spying and crime among the Dems, damsel Kamala Harris has fired a letter off to the DOJ Inspector General demanding an investigation into whether or not President Trump ordered Barr to target Democrats.  As we say in northern California, that takes balls.  

Not to be outdone, Nancy Pelosi is warning America that President Trump will refuse to acknowledge the results if he loses in 2020.  As we say in northern California, that also takes balls.

And pundits are saying it's far more likely that you know one of those prostitutes than knowing someone who watches CNN.  
Amidst warnings by the CDC that washing raw chicken can spread bacteria and disease, Rep. Steve Cohen is warning Attorney General William Barr not to take any more baths.  

The U.S. Navy is telling Americans that there is no way they will ever release any pictures of UFOs again.  You cannot see a picture of them; therefore, they do not exist.

If you give your wife wine before sex, you could be jailed.  Several states are in stages of enacting laws that could bring a rape charge against you if you drug your spouse before sex, which in turn causes them to be unconscious or otherwise incapacitated.  

Scientists say they have found a meteorite in Antarctica that is older than our solar system.  It's even older than Joe Biden...

It now appears that Obama and his mafia thugs were using government agencies and, possibly, foreign entities such as the Russian government to spy on the Romney campaign back in 2012... something "brilliant" Mitt has yet to figure out.    

"Why is it that there are many, many prostitutes who know politicians but... there are no politicians who admit to knowing a prostitute?" ~ The Unknown Scribbler 

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