Wednesday, May 29, 2019


You would expect any politician elected to Congress to be well-versed in the Constitution.  Nevertheless, Democrat presidential candidate and California Senator Kamala Harris alleges that when she becomes president, she will enact a law that requires individual states to get permission from the federal government before changing their abortion laws.  

Any fifth-grade student should know that powers not specifically enumerated in the Constitution belong solely to the states and to the people.  Nowhere does it say that states cannot pass or change a law without permission of Congress.  This "promise" made by Harris goes to the heart of democracy in America and proves that despite her being a law school graduate and former attorney general of California, she is beyond ignorant of the Constitution.  She totally needs to sit down and shut up before she makes another ass out of herself.  
It leaked out over the weekend that the initial FISA warrant was processed outside of the established protocol.  For some reason, one of the required signatures in the process was bypassed by "the highest levels of the FBI." 

California State Senators have passed a bill that will jail Catholic priests who fail to notify authorities of crimes revealed during confessions.  They could soon be jailed for keeping the secret, or ex-communicated for revealing the confession.

One of these days soon, Americans will have to get on planes, fly to Washington and forcibly remove the fascist liberal Democrats from the Capitol Building.

Earlier this year New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan-Grisham pulled National Guard troops from the southern U.S. border in protest of President Donald Trump’s “charade of border fear-mongering.”  She is now demanding... demanding... that the Federal government, (you and me), pay for the costs associated with housing and feeding the illegals who have crossed the border into New Mexico.

There could be some truth to the rumor that AOC buys her brogans from an Army-Navy surplus store in lower Manhattan.

This from America's Communist-in-Chief Adam Schiff: It's "unpatriotic" for President Trump to proceed with an investigation of the FBI.   Some people have gall... and then, there's Adam Schiff. 

“While it’s only been a couple of weeks since the inauguration, we’ve seen nothing that I can work with President Bush on.”~ Nancy Pelosi, at a press conference last week.  

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