Friday, May 24, 2019


Evidence is growing by the minute that dirty tricks and lies about Trump originated in the Oval Office under Barack Hussein Obama's direct supervision.  Whenever there was a discussion at the White House about the "Russia collusion investigation," recording devices were turned off.   What’s more, four key Obama officials were involved: Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, and Comey.  No witnesses were allowed. 
Beto O'Rourke says he's qualified to be president because... he used to be a live-in nanny. 

From the way the Democrats are acting, somebody must have really laced their lattes with Ex-Lax!

The next time you hear about an illegal killing someone in a DUI , raping them or murdering them in a rest home, be sure to thank a Democrat for keeping our borders open.  As a matter of fact, if you want to see more illegals in the country... vote for Democrats in 2020.  The latest horror?  Two illegal alien members of the violent MS-13 gang have been charged with the murder of a 14-year-old girl in Maryland after previously being released from custody by a sanctuary city.

Avenattit & Daniels: Could you have ever imagined the headlines?  "Attorney Steals From a Hooker?"

A handheld device that can detect IED's has been available since 2012, but the Pentagon has refused to buy and deploy it in the field.  Why? 

CNN's Jim Acosta has written an autobiography.  It's appropriately titled: "The Enemy of the People." 

They're recalling 62,000 pounds of ground beef due to E-coli contamination.  Why can't we recall 535 members of Congress for the same reason? 

Every single time I see Adam Schiff's picture, I think to myself: "Genius knows no bounds."   

The New York Times is predicting the death of all newspapers within five years.  That's because Americans are sick and tired of reading their trash. 

"Can you believe this?  Nancy Pelosi once thought about becoming a nun." ~ The Unknown Scribbler 

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