Monday, May 20, 2019


The Democrats have been demanding that Robert Mueller testify before Congress about his Trump investigation and Attorney General Barr's synopsis of the resulting report. Initially, they engineered Mueller into the position because they figured he'd be the one to nail Trump doing something.   Well, that didn't happen.  Lately, they've been certain that Mueller would disavow Barr's synopsis and let lose with some tidbit that they could use to go after Trump themselves.  

Unfortunately for them, Mueller has thus far refused to testify.  One can surmise that Mueller has nothing to say that would make the Dems happy.

Diane Feinstein was recently spotted talking on the phone with Iran's Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif.  Now, what's up with that?  Was she doing a John Kerry and telling them not to worry about Donald Trump, because he won't be President much longer?

I wonder how many Jews Rashida Tlaib employs in her various offices?

Pete Butthead wants the name "Jefferson" removed from everything, because Jefferson owned slaves.  I guess Bill Clinton is going to have to change his middle name.  Maybe "Lewinsky" would be fitting...

Democrats, RINOs and liberals alike are foaming at their mouths over Alabama's tough new anti-abortion laws, and they are sounding the alarms over the prospect that more and more states have decided they no longer wish to participate in infanticide or murder.  Remember: these are the same people who are openly in favor of allowing illegal criminals into the country to rape, pillage and plunder.

Back between 1946 and 1958, the U.S. conducted over 60 nuclear tests in the Pacific.  From 1977 to 1980, the U.S. scraped up what nuclear waste they could and deposited it in a "temporary" concrete tomb on Runit Island in the Marshall Island chain.  Now, 38 years later, there is  concern that the "temporary" repository could be leaking radioactive sludge into the Pacific.  Just what is the definition of "temporary," anyway? 

"All things in life are temporary, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez." ~ The Unknown Scribbler 

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