Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Lovely Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez held a "Fun Run" last weekend to raise money for the environment... or so participants thought.  Registrants paid a $30 entry fee to help address climate change, and the $11,000 raised went... straight into AOC's campaign coffers.   She also stands accused of diverting campaign funds to her own personal use.  It's easy to tell that she's a Democrat.
United Airlines has been caught with hidden cameras on backs of airplane seats which can be used to spy on passengers.  They have been quick to insist the cameras have never been used; if that's the case, why were they put there in the first place?  United has proven beyond all reasonable doubt by its current and past actions that it doesn't give a damn about it's paying customers.

Rod Rosenstein has resigned effective May 11.  He'll probably end up on the Board of Directors at Fox News, sitting next to his buddy Paul Ryan.

Lovely socialistic fascist Kamala Harris proclaims there is no right to work in the United States unless you belong to a union.  Does the NRA count?

Trump's campaign manager, Brad Pascale, says CNN should be embarrassed about correspondent Jim Acosta's rude shouting of questions to President Trump during the annual White House Easter Egg Hunt.  I don't think there is anything that can embarrass CNN. 

In the wake of the Poway California synagogue shooting, Sen. Diane Feinstein says enough is enough and she demands more gun control now.  She did not mention that California already has an “assault weapons” ban. Nor did she mention that California has universal background checks, which means buying any gun, whether a rifle, shotgun, or five-shot revolver, without a background check is illegal there.  Nor did she mention that California already has the toughest gun laws in the nation, meaning that nobody in that synagogue had a gun to fight back with.  Nor did she mention that she's in favor of illegal criminal aliens coming into our country and that we should be defenseless. 

"I have a really close Association with Michael Bloomberg." ~ Joe Biden

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