Monday, January 7, 2019


I've been mulling the firing and resulting backlash over the President's firing of Defense Secretary Mattis.  I've reached a conclusion contrary to my original thoughts.  Although the optics were not good, to say the least, anybody who's been in the military must agree with me when I say that whether or not you agree with your commanding officer's orders, you take them and execute them with precision.  You may disagree with him in private, but when he issues the orders... you obey without hesitation. 

You don't subvert his authority by going out in public and telling people you disagree with the orders.  Frankly, that amounts to insubordination.  I don't much care how qualified the General is; for Mattis to do what he did and in the manner which he did should provoke instant rebuke, as it did.


Lovely Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who solemnly promised New York voters before the midterm elections that she would not, under any circumstances, vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House... did exactly that last Thursday.  So much for honor and integrity.

Organizers of the January 19th Women's March in New Orleans have abruptly decided to cancel the event.  It seems that no one is contributing funds and few, (if any), advance sign ups have been made.  I am so, sooo sorry.

There could be some truth to the rumor that the Nobel Peace Prize could go to Mitt Romney this year.

Will somebody please... please come up with a viable, working alternative to Facebook?

Do you suppose, if Elizabeth Warren happened to be elected President, she would ride her pinto pony onto the White House lawn while sporting a feathered headdress and carrying a tomahawk?

Ocasio-Cortez wants to increase income tax rates to 70% on wealthy Americans... Congressional Representatives excluded?  The new darling of the Democrat Party is just so, sooo sweet. 

Pssst: Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib might... just might... be having a raging love affair.  Unlike CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times, I won't report it as being a fact... yet.  Isn't this just so cool? 

Fomenting Violence: Supporters of the new Dem Dingbat took to Twitter over the weekend to suggest that the guy who shot Rep. Steve Scalise should have had better aim and someone should "kick his cane." 

It's time people in the country come to grips with the cold hard facts:  We are no longer united; it's now us vs. them. 

"Insurrection of thought always precedes insurrection of arms." ~ Wendell Phillips

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