Friday, January 4, 2019


That's a horrible, sickening and disgusting fact.  They were murdered by abortion and that figure only includes the abortions that we know about.  What in the hell have we allowed our world to become, where we wantonly butcher the unborn innocent and fight like hell to keep convicted murderers alive?    


Some of the toughest anti-gun laws in the country resulted in over 530 murders in Chicago during 2018.

You didn't see this on 95% of TV stations, but Times Square officials put a ban on umbrellas for New Years Eve due to safety concerns.  CNN hosts Sandy Cohen and Anderson Cooper got into a huge pissing match with an official off-scene, obviously under the continuing impression that rules do not apply to them.  Eventually, the official told them that if they did not comply, CNN'a press passes would be revoked for next year's event.  Now, I presume the Times Square officials have become racist bigots. 

What would the Dems do if President Trump actually does shut down the southern border?  I think sales of Preparation H would skyrocket.  But, we would at least be safer. 

Utahans must be terrifically proud of their votes for Mitt Romney... another left-wing Democrat in sheep's clothing.   Remember that he begged for President Trump's endorsement when he decided to run for Utah's open Senate seat; now, he's trashing the President to no end, proving beyond all reasonable doubt that he's a poisonous snake.  Someone should get him a nice warm baby bottle full of Ex-Lax to suck on.

Even Nancy Pelosi's own daughter can't stand the witch, saying Nancy "will cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding."

There's big trouble brewing in New Jersey, where a ban went into effect December 11th against the possession of "high capacity" magazines and making such possession a felony.  Not a single magazine has been turned in to authorities.  Oh, and by the way... off-duty cops are prohibited from such possession as well.  If they get called in on an emergency, they'll have to drive to the station to retrieve their high-capacity magazines first.  Will authorities now start doing house-to-house searches and confiscations? 

We have now reached the point in our "civilization" where it's quite acceptable to threaten to kill conservative talk show hosts.  Ask Michael Savage. 

"When we hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope we use."  ~ Joseph Stalin


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