Friday, October 5, 2018


Yesterday, led by Pocahontas Warren, thousands of protesters gathered at the Capitol, the Washington D.C. District Court where Judge Kavanaugh serves, the Supreme Court and in the Hart Senate Office Building to demand that Kavanaugh not be confirmed; hundreds were arrested.  Paid protesters have now taken to following GOP Senators into restrooms and screaming epithets and threats at them while they use the facilities.    How vile can they get?  How vile will we let them get? 

You'll see them all in more action today; my guess is that they well storm the Senate floor and raise a raucous sit-in... even including some violence. 

Spartacus Booker has decreed it does not matter whether Kavanaugh is guilty or not.  He, (Booker), has decided that Kavanaugh must be dropped and someone else must be chosen.  Failure to comply with his edict will surely bring down the wrath of God. 

Some of Mueller's most trusted lawyers are running like hell from his legal team.  Hopefully, they won't stumble and fall into more disrepute. 

Dem darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is busy planning her inaugural ball for after she gets elected to Congress.  She's going to show up in an orange chariot, wearing a beautiful white gown and glass slippers?

I wonder what happened to Barack's plans to become Secretary General of the United Nations...

It turns out that the individual responsible for "leaking" confidential details about the  home addresses and private telephone numbers of several GOP Senators was a staffer for Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat from Texas.  He also threatened to reveal details about the health of their children.  These are Democrats in action... enemies of America.  

Have you noticed that Democrats just love to stand in their sand boxes, throw f-bombs and call everyone else names?   

"He who opens the door even a crack to the enemy will surely regret it." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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