Monday, October 8, 2018


We surely must know by now that there are one helluva lot of politicians in office... people we elected... who put politics ahead of country.  For them in the decision-making processes, it's not about what is best for the country, it's about what is best for their political parties and their own selfish aspirations.  Given what we have recently see, we have to ask ourselves: Are those the kinds of people we really want in office?

One of the top dogs at Facebook, Joel Kaplan, is a longtime friend of Brett Kavanaugh's and he showed up at the hearings to support him.  He sat behind Kavanaugh and was spotted by Facebook operatives.    Facebook forced Kaplan to openly apologize in a meeting to his fellow employees or lose his job.  WTF?

It is now becoming more evident that Ford was not sincere and that her testimony was made as a willing puppet of her attorneys... who worked for the Democrats.   More witnesses have come forth to assert that they were pressured by Ford's team into corroborating her fabricated story which, thank God, they did not do.

Justices Sotomayor and Kagan have complained that confirming Kavanaugh to the bench has politicized the Supreme Court.  That takes guts...

Meanwhile, the Dems are already saying that the Supreme Court is now illegitimate... meaning that they Dems don't have to obey it's decisions? Nancy Pelosi, among others, is demanding copies of the FBI investigation and is insisting that Republicans are the real butt heads in all of this.  She says Democrats will take back the House and definitely will impeach Kavanaugh, because it's just not fair.  As for me, I think it's high time we vote the Dems out of office altogether in November and let them all wallow in their own muck. 

“I’ll say this, if Donald Trump gets the Nobel Peace Prize, liberals all over the world will jump out of buildings.” ~ Lindsey Graham

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