Friday, October 26, 2018


This mob of illegals headed our way is seen in cars, buses, trucks and some walking.  Who is paying for the gas?  They're all supposed to be poor, destitute, unemployed and pitiful, remember?  They say there's now well over 10,000 of them.  Where and what are they eating and who is paying for it?

Word is that hundreds of troops are packing to head to the Mexican border for the purpose of keeping out the hoards of illegals headed our way.  Word also is that the single caravan is no longer alone; one other is already organized and headed this way and a third is in the process of forming.   Word also is that Democrats and other left-wing fascist and socialist groups within our country are also gearing up to head to the border, planning to insert themselves between our troops and the illegals, and to escort the illegals into our country.  Maybe we should send thousands of troops to the border instead of hundreds?

These fake bombs being sent around to prominent Dems and to CNN have the Dems and the left-wingers of the country upset, not because only Dims were targeted, not because none of them went off... but because FOX didn't get one... one that presumably would have exploded?  Makes you wonder if they would have been dancing in the streets if that had happened.  

They think the letter bombs might have been sent from Florida.  I guess they finally got around to checking the postmarks.  Inspector Clouseau, where are you when we need you?   

The Democrats and their fascist friends have been spewing vitriol and hate for years.  They're now blaming the rest of the nation for inciting violence.  

Trump wants the illegals to turn around and go back, but they can't.  Evidently, the Democrats are only paying expenses one way...

11 days from now, the mid-term elections will end.  Do your job.  VOTE!

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than  the man who reads nothing but newspapers." ~ Thomas Jefferson

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