Monday, October 1, 2018


The left media and Democrats are now insisting that Judge Kavanaugh should no longer be allowed to coach his girls basketball team, because he is a sexual predator.  I suppose their next move will be to take his daughters out of the home and put them in protective child custody?  They could also jail his wife with charges of her being complicit in his "crimes."

Then, there's the Stormy Daniels story... It occurs to me that the media and the Democrats are degenerates, obsessed with sex and pornography.  Take Anthony Wiener for example.  We haven't heard a single one of them stand up to put a stop to this trash... not one.  Not your next door Democrat, not CNN, no one...  They have all descended into the cesspools of iniquity. 

The "well-meaning" Christine Blasey Ford came out late Friday night with a demand that the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh not be limited as to length of time or scope of inquiry.  Robert Mueller will probably jump right on this...  The only thing missing in this ongoing saga is the "discovery" that Kavanaugh has been colluding with the Russians. 

Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy says the real FBI investigation should be into the Dems handling of the Kavanaugh confirmation process.  They'll probably burn his office down tomorrow...

Have you noticed that the story about Rosenstein plotting with others to remove Trump from office on the basis of the 25th Amendment has all but disappeared while the Dems pursue Kavanaugh? 

Goodbye Elon Musk, head of Tesla.  The whole world is getting a charge out of this.

Here's something that'll make you grab a drink... CNN legal analyst Paul Callan has announced he supports the Kavanaugh nomination and that the Dems should be ashamed of themselves.  Make mine a double...

I didn't realize it, but Arizona Senator Jeff Flake was actually born in Snowflake, Arizona.  Knowing that town, and knowing how Flake has performed in the Senate, I don't think he'll be moving back to Arizona at all... possibly California? 

One of the three women accusing Kavanaugh was fired by a previous employer for making up phony sexual harassment allegations, but the Dems believe her. And now that they've come out and asserted that all men are sex predators, it'll be a cold day in hell before I even think about holding a door open for a woman again. 

When I look at what this country represents today, I can't possibly imagine how bad it would be if Clinton had won.  This country most certainly dodged a huge bullet." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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