Monday, October 29, 2018


Mexico stepped in and offered to allow the immigrants to stay in Mexico and to provide them with shelter, jobs and benefits.  Nevertheless, they have vowed to continue to the U.S. border and enter.  They must be getting paid for this and the condition for payment must be that they make it to the U.S.  This is too organized and planned out to be a spontaneous bunch of illegals getting together, and the finger of blame is appointing directly at the Democrats and their leftist allies. 

BIG NEWS OF THE DAY: There is a 23-year-old woman from Mexico who had her belly button removed because she was estranged from her family.  She sent the belly button to her then boy friend as a token-of-her-love present, but now regrets having it removed. 

Although I disagree with the reason for her firing, I'm glad to see Megyn Kelly go.  She's burned a lot of bridges behind her and, at least for the moment, has no place to go.  Maybe she'll sit at home and contemplate what she has done to herself, but I doubt it.  Being self-absorbed, she'll probably join the Kathy Griffin Fan Club and blame Trump.  I think that that if she ended up back at FOX NEWS, at least half of the high-powered, high-energy crew there would bail out; she made a lot of enemies. 

Can you imagine what this country will be like if we revert to the Obama-Clinton agendas under the leadership of Schumer, Pelosi, Booker, Harris, Ocasio-Cortez, Waters, Schiff and the rest of their Washington Mob?   If you believe in America, you can't let that happen on November 6th.  

A woman who Michael Avenatti claimed would back Jule Swetnick's allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh has recanted her story and basically called him a liar and manipulator. Yeah, he'll probably end up in politics. 

Researchers are now claiming that a daily dose of baking soda will help relieve your rheumatoid arthritis pain.  Be careful: if someone sneaks some flour and yeast into your routine, it'll be easier to get a rise out of you.  

"All men are not created equal.  Some of them are Democrats." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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