Monday, October 30, 2017


Today is the day that Robert Mueller is going to try and fend off the wolves demanding his resignation by making public the particulars of a grand jury indictment.  Yeah, it's under a strict gag order called a "sealed" indictment, which is Washington-speak for leak at will and that, of course, is why we even know about it.  Maybe James Comey had something to do with it.  Anyway, wouldn't it be something if the indictment is against Hillary Clinton?  Eric Holder?  Loretta Lynch? Yeah, right. 

By law, everyone involved knew that all remaining JFK files were to be released last Thursday night; they knew it for 25 years.  So, the obvious question is: Why did they want until the afternoon of the day when the files were to be released to request a delay?  Especially since it's been major news for several weeks now that the documents had to be released by midnight last Thursday?  And why did they say some 32,000 files remained, and then allege somewhere around 18,000 were left?  What happened to the other 14,000?  Are they being hidden in Hillary's basement on a server?

Scientists have been all atwitter because some unidentified object from outer space flew into our solar system and passed Earth at 24 million miles and is now headed back into outer space after circling the sun.  It defies everything they understand about comets and the rest of its behavior gives them no clues.  Could it be that aliens arrived in a spaceship, took a gander at us with their binoculars and decided to get out of here ASAP, setting a course for home?  If they caught a glimpse of Maxine Waters, I could understand why.

So, this 26 year-old Michigan teacher was having sex with a student in her husband's basement man cave.  I hear Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and Bill Clinton are desperately trying to get in touch with her...

Ashamed over their increasing prices of meats, the nation's grocery stores are taking to a new slight of hand.  Take a rib steak for example, selling at $9.99 or $10.99 a pound, now being advertised in big bold red numbers at $6.99, then in small letters underneath the words "for ten ounce steak" are added.  

"The real national house of horrors is on The Hill in Washington, DC." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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