Friday, October 13, 2017


Supposing this Pakistani I.T. guy Awan who worked for Congress for all of that time installed secret "back door" connections into the Congressional I.T. system.  That would enable Pakistan, Russia or anyone else who knew of the "back doors" to have unfettered access into the system right now as you are reading this, and well into the future.  But, of course, Congress is smart enough to take a long, hard look at the system to make sure that couldn't happen... aren't they?  I mean... just saying.  Oh... I forgot about the DNC not wanting anyone to look at their computers; especially the FBI. Remember that?  Again, just sayin' and not trying to be sarcastic or anything like that.  Not me.  No ma'am.

Who the hell is Harvey Weinstein? 

Now that the bottom line of the NFL teams is being affected and Roger Goodell's fanny is finally and squarely on the fire, he's come out with a statement that says NFL players "should" stand during the National Anthem.  There's really no need to stress about it, Roger; we get your gist.  And a reminder to all veterans and Americans who support our country, our flag and our anthem; national plans for a Sunday, November 12th Veteran's Day Weekend boycott of NFL games are still in effect.  Maybe Roger and his players "should" stand for that. Word has it that even Kathy Griffin doesn't want them in her fan club. 

Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill is pandering to the Native American vote; she wants to change the name of Columbus Day to "Indigenous People's Day."   If she had bothered to look into the situation before opening her flap trap, she would have realized that Native American tribes have taken it upon themselves to recognize Native American Day and/or American Indian Day for many moons now.   Perhaps she should have checked with "Pocahontas" Warren first. 

Most conspiracy theories being floated about the Las Vegas Massacre aren't worth the time of day.  One  theory is being hugely suppressed, but it does bear looking at: Paddock, the shooter, had been radicalized to Islam and the Vegas authorities are covering that fact up because  they don't want tourism to Vegas casinos to be adversely affected by fear of another I.S.I.S. attack.  I would guess if that is the case, they're willing to take a roll of the dice on getting caught. 

By the way and speaking of Indians and massacres, the fake media and press keep referring to the Vegas shooting as the biggest single massacre in America since the Civil War.  Actually, there was the Bear River Massacre near Preston, Idaho in 1863 where our soldiers killed more than 250 Native Americans on a cold January morning.  How quickly we conveniently forget. 

Finally and speaking of Friday the 13th... Happy Birthday to Jerry Jones.  

"We know of every massacre that has taken place close to the present, but the ones in the distant past are like trees falling in the forest with no one to hear them." ~ Steven Pinker

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