Wednesday, October 25, 2017


While Santa Rosa's Fire Department Station 5 crew was out fighting fires, their station burned down, including the U.S. flag on the pole out front.  A fire crew from neighboring Contra Costa County brought a new flag to Station 5 and raised it up to the flagpole as a sign of support.  It should be mentioned that no one... not a single soul... was down on knees while the flag went up.

Justin Timberlake is going to do the halftime show at Super Bowl?  That's another reason I won't be watching this year.  Why don't they get Colon Kapernickel to sit on his keister and sing the Star Spangled Banner while they're at it?

Maxine Waters says she's going to "take Trump out."  I wonder what Melania has to say about that?  Maybe all three of them will go out for dinner at Denny's? 

Kathy Griffin  is evidently tossing her attorney, Lisa Bloom, out of the Kathy Griffin Fan Club and asking Bloom to refund her attorney fees.  Better be careful there, Lisa; the next thing you know, Kathy's going to be dangling your head at a press conference and it will be Donald Trump's fault. 

Hillary is using curse words again, this time to describe how she was trying to get out of attending Trump's inauguration.  And Trump was wondering who in the hell the jackass was that invited her.

How many more years do you think it will be before the mainstream media even mentions the Clinton-Russia crimes?

Mitch McConnell is now running around and gushing over how much he loves and admires President Trump.  I think some joker slipped acid into Mitch's brandy...

North Korea is preparing biological weapons for deployment in the near future, according to a study by Harvard University.  Preparations are in the works for smallpox and the plague to be used to destabilize economies and create fear among populations prior to an all-out attack.   It would be very easy to deploy such agents in South Korea.  Maybe we should infest Kim Jong-un with cockroaches first. 

I wonder how many people are going to be thanking Bowe Bergdahl for his service on Veteran's Day?  I even heard he's a nominee for the Jane Fonda Achievement Award. 

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." ~ Edward Abbey

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