Thursday, October 20, 2016


Two recent videos released by James O’Keefe show how Democratic Party activists have planned to disrupt Trump rallies and foment violence.  At least one check was written by the Hillary Clinton Campaign to fund these activities, which is a clear violation of voting rights and freedom of speech.  

Such activities are an overt attempt to intimidate voters from participating in the political process and border on fascism.  Remember the 2008 election, when members of the New Black Panther Party showed up at Philadelphia voting sites to intimidate voters into voting for Obama?  Remember how they were found guilty and then charges were summarily dropped by Eric Holder’s Justice Department?   Why isn’t the Department of Justice or the F.B.I. investigating these 2016 incidents?  You know why and I know why.  We simply have to show up to vote in such numbers that we shall overcome. Right now, we're the underdogs in this fight and we have to scrap like hell. 
Q. What do you think of the wall of taco trucks around the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas?  (Irv ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Don’t drink the water.  Actually, it’s kind of stupid; how can they all make money trying to sell tacos outside of the same hotel?  It sounds to me like something the S.E.I.U. would organize, or maybe Vicente Fox? 

Q. Do you think F.B.I. agents will ever step forward and tell the truth about Comey’s cover-up for Hillary?  (Lewis ~ Norfolk, VA)
A. There have been a few who have spoken with members of the press on conditions of anonymity.  That’s a positive sign, and they’ve all agreed that Comey not only actively hindered the investigation but that he did a grave and great disservice to the country by not recommending or convening a Grand Jury.  But, someone needs to have the good old American guts and courage to come forth and go on the record; until they do, they are just as guilty of the sin as Comey is. 

Q. Obama has been whining for eight years, blaming everyone but himself for his misdeeds and self-created problems.  Where does he get the guts to accuse Trump of whining about voter fraud?  (Lydia ~ Chico, CA)
A. From the same livestock yards where he gets everything else he says. 

“The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes.” ~ Aristotle


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