Tuesday, October 4, 2016


The F.B.I. has previously stated that there was no damning evidence on the laptops of Clinton aides Cheryl Mills or Heather Samuelson, but it also agreed to destroy both of those laptops. 

I’m totally speechless. 

Q. This is stupid.  How can the T.S.A. be responsible for 100’s of highway deaths?  (Lenora ~ Wells, NV)
A. The TSA security systems recently in use gave the scanners a total view of your naked body.  Rather than subjecting themselves to such scans in order to fly, thousands of passengers opted to drive and the number of highway fatalities went up.  That’s why Bill Clinton always flies out of private terminals on private jets; he doesn’t want everyone to know the angle of his dangle. 

Q. How do you feel about Trump not paying any taxes and now he’s a billionaire?  (Myrtle ~ Bernalillo, NM)
A. You imply that there is something illegal about it?  He’s said consistently that he doesn’t want to release his tax returns until his audits are over and, if he didn’t pay much in taxes, I can understand why he is being audited.  Whatever the laws are, he is fully entitled to abide by them, and those who complain are either envious or they don’t understand the system.  And actually, he has voiced his opinion that the tax laws need to be changed for just that reason.  Kudos to him.  By the way, a recent CNN report shows that 1 in 5 major companies pay no income taxes.  Now then, tell me more about Hillary and her Foundation, and I don’t mean girdle. 

Q. What is Flight 800 and what’s this about a cover-up?  (Belinda ~ San Rafael, CA)
A. TWA Flight 800 went down in July of 1996 near Long Island.  At the time, there were stories that missile trails could be seen going from the ground toward the plane and that the only way that could happen would be from a terrorist with a ground to air missile or misfired missiles from a nearby military installation.  There were also bomb theories.  Out of the clear blue came the allegation that an errant spark into a partially empty fuel tank caused the explosion.  That “revelation” abruptly closed the investigation.  There were several witnesses on the ground who attested to the missile scenario.  My question is this: why was a 747 that had just taken off on a flight across the Atlantic to Rome leaving with a partially filled fuel tank?  That makes absolutely no sense to me.  So, what did happen?  And, if I’m correct, why the cover-up?      


“Airplanes may kill you, but they ain’t likely to hurt you.” ~ Satchel Paige


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