Friday, October 21, 2016


Hillary Clinton was talking about the use of nuclear weapons Wednesday night and said it takes about four minutes from the time the president orders their use for the guys in the control room to launch. 

Now, that’s the type of information you sure as hell don’t want your enemies or potential enemies to know.  I’m certain it’s highly classified and is a treasonable offense.  It’s outrageous.  It’s stupid.  But then again… so is Hillary. 
Q. Iran is really stepping things up in the Middle East.  I think there’s a real danger that they will openly fire on a U.S. ship or plane.  Are we taking any steps to prevent that or protect ourselves?  (Bill ~ Walnut Creek, CA)
A. North Korea also poses a serious threat to us and South Korea.  In both cases, we’re doing a lot of helpless jawboning.  The Iranians just demanded a few billion more dollars to release more hostages and Obama is planning to release a top-ranked terrorist from Guantanamo Bay.  John Kerry is storming around the countryside ranting that we will protect South Korea and we’re even having discussions over tea about the situation with the South Korean government.  This country is being sold out… lock, stock and oil barrel. 

Q. CNN, now commonly referred to as the “Clinton News Network,” had New York Representative Chris Collins on the air the other night and when he started to talk about WikiLeaks, the network cut him off the broadcast.  Isn’t that censorship?  (Toby ~ Morgan City, LA)
A. Of course it is, but that’s the least of the crimes against a fair and honest election being conducted by the press and media. 

Q. I keep hearing the fastest growing news network is FOX BUSINESS NEWS.  Now I hear that the ratings are falling at FOX NEWS.  Are viewers migrating from one to the other?  (Dutch ~ Germantown, TN)
A. FOX NEWS is swinging to the left, but most of the old-time bastions of independent reporting and thinking at FOX BUSINESS NEWS seem to be resisting the swing, at least for now.  

“Sometimes I think the Republicans put up Mitt Romney because they knew that Obama would beat him.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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