Friday, February 6, 2015


Nancy Pelosi has said that Democrats will "just be too busy" to listen to Netanyahu’s speech to Congress next month. 

The Obama Zombies are just bound and determined to show Congress who is still in charge in this country, whether Americans like it or not.  How inflammatory.  How shallow.  How downright ugly.  Her remarks speak to her total lack of intelligence and decorum. 

Q. Pope Francis is going to speak before Congress.  Is Obama going to refuse to meet with him like he is refusing to meet with Netanyahu?  (Cecelia ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. Once again, that impudent John Boehner invited the Pope to speak and as far as I know, he again didn’t ask for Obama’s permission to extend the invitation.  No Pope or religious leader who serves as a head of state has ever addressed Congress before and, since Obama wasn’t consulted, you would expect another outpouring of rage from the White House; but informed sources tell me the toilets there are flushing as usual. 
Q. What do you think of NBC’s Brian Williams admission that his stories about being shot down in Iraq while doing a story there are untrue?  (Boris ~ Arlington Heights, IL)
A. Do you get the impression that news told by liberal reporters is not always what it seems to be?  You will note that Williams did not admit the truth until others who were on his chopper came forward in protest.  It’s no different than John Kerry’s assertion that he won war medals by the ton; they all have grandiose opinions of themselves and their importance to the country, but they are truly no better than farts in a whirlwind. 

Q. Why is the White House refusing to reveal who the “Muslim leaders” were that he met with Wednesday, or to say what it was they discussed?  (Chad ~ Perry, UT)
A. Whenever the Hussein regime hides something, you can bet it stinks to high heaven.  I suspect the “Muslim leaders” were of the Muslim Brotherhood, or maybe they consisted of those five terrorists traded for Bergdahl.  I do understand that one of the items on the agenda was American “anti-Muslim discrimination.”  Look for a condescending presidential lecture on that subject to be delivered soon.    

“It is important that the decorum and dignity of the House is upheld at all times.  The image of Parliament in the public mind should be one where proceedings, debates and discussions take place with a review to resolve issues through a constructive and cooperative approach.” ~ Pratibha Patil


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