Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Glenn Beck is saying, “Just like we were at the beginning of World War II when they invaded Poland, we are entering those times. We just don’t know it yet,” Beck said on his radio program. “There is going to come a time when we will have no choice.  He goes on to suggest that we have arrived at the eve of World War III. 

That’s not far-fetched.  We know that Iran’s influence is all over the Middle East and they may be funding I.S.I.S.; we know that Russia is backing Iran.  We know that Putin is emboldened in Europe by the fact that we have literally given him a free hand with Ukraine.  If we should tackle the I.S.I.S. problem properly, we will inevitably butt heads with both Iran and Russia.  And, the possibility of another war between Christians and Muslims is huge.  The Middle East is more of a tinder box than it ever has been and, if once exploded, the probability of Russia, China, Germany, France, Great Britain and the United States getting into the fracas is about 98%.  We should tackle this I.S.I.S. threat before it gains any more momentum, or the inevitability of World III is written on the wall.  Unfortunately, Obama, Nobel Peace Prize and all, wants nothing to do with the problem. 

Q. What is your opinion of the “driverless” car being developed by Apple? (Ben ~ Minden, NV)
A. You may think I’m a nutty Hermit, but I think it’s another coordinated attempt to take control away from Americans.  We can’t control our kids anymore; the government has its nose in it.  We can’t control our religion, our water, our land, our homes… the government is controlling everything.  One of the few safe havens we have is our cars; there, we’re in control of where we go, how fast we go and when we go.  If the government can take that away from us, what is left?  Can you imagine wanting to make a quick trip to the store to get a six pack, and your car won’t move because you have had your allotted amount if driving time this week?  Or, you’re being chased by a wooly mammoth and losing ground because your car will only go 45 mph? 

Q. How do you feel about that Federal Judge from Texas who issued a temporary restraining order stopping Obama’s illegal amnesty plan?  (Artie ~ Daly City, CA)
A. Finally, after all of these years, someone with brains and guts stands up for America.  Watch the left-wing liberal media and Members of Congress dump all over this judge now.  Nancy Pelosi probably had at least one cow. 

Q. I heard a State Department spokeswoman say [yesterday] that killing terrorists won’t solve the problem, that we have to address the root causes of it.  Then she said that the problem could well be that they need jobs.  Is she out of her tree?  (Betty ~ Susanville, CA)
A. That’s the reason the price of pot is going up in D.C.; they’re all smoking it and doing LSD.  The root cause is evident: I.S.I.S. has a religious doctrine which says all infidels should be killed.  They already have jobs: accomplishing killing.  Sitting around the Oval Office trying to find them “meaningful” employment is useless, especially when we have 12 million illegals already here looking for work.  These dimwits don’t get the message of terrorism: kill, be killed or become a Muslim. 

“Same-sex marriage is not the final nail in the coffin for traditional marriage.  It is just another road sign toward the substitution of government for God.  Every moral discussion now pits the wisest moral arbiters among us… the Supreme Court, President Obama… against traditional religion.” ~ Ben Shapiro


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