Tuesday, December 16, 2014


PATRIOT UPDATE is reporting that Obama is using government agencies to try and get Israel to dump Benjamin Netanyahu.  The White House has singled out Netanyahu as standing in the way of Obama’s utopian vision for a new Middle East and Persian Gulf.”

And there are still Jews in this country who think Obama walks on water. 

Q. Ted Cruz says if the Republican hierarchy doesn’t stand up for something, and if they keep putting up the Doles, McCain’s and Romney’s of the country, Republicans are again going to stay home in the 2016 elections.  Do you agree?  (Chip ~ Yakima, WA)
A. If the Republicans keep on doing what they have done since the 2014 mid-terms, there will be a new party which will bury the Republican Party forever.  Americans are sick and tired of not being properly represented in Washington.  In fact, elephants could actually do a better job of it. 

Q. Can you weigh in again on the one-sided C.I.A. report that Feinstein dumped on America last week?  I can’t believe she did that, fully knowing that some lives of C.I.A. operatives could be greatly endangered.  (Giles ~ Rio Rancho, NM)
A. Why not publish Feinstein’s home address on a terrorism website?  Turnabout is fair play, isn’t it? 

Q. Do you really believe that all cops are lily pure?  (Kammy ~ Houston, TX)
A. Every segment of society has its bad guys or its lunatics.  In Victoria, near you, a cop stopped a 76-year-old man because he didn’t have a safety sticker on the window of his car.  The man pointed out that he had dealer plates and was exempt until the vehicle was sold.  To make a long story short, he ended up in cuffs after being tasered.  There was absolutely no evidence on the dash cam of any physical resistance by the man.  I would say that this cop should find another vocation.  He’d probably make a great lion tamer for a circus. 

“A recent police study found that you’re more likely to get shot by a fat cop I you run.” ~ Dennis Miller


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