Saturday, December 13, 2014


Now that some more of Lerner’s emails have come to light, a perfunctory review seems to indicate that Holder and the D.O.J. were in collusion with the I.R.S. to go after conservatives and conservative groups, according to a recent Forbes report.    

And the guy in charge of the I.R.S. at the time was making almost daily trips to the White House.  No wonder they don’t want those emails to get out. 

Q. More videos have surfaced showing Jonathan Gruber bragging about writing ObamaCare, yet he swore under oath before Congress that he did not write it.  Which do you believe?  (Donna ~ Meridian, ID)
A. He has obviously been an excellent understudy of Barack Hussein Obama; he probably also wrote the Benghazi cover-up story.  On the other hand, you have John Boehner running around for weeks storming that Obama’s amnesty plan would not fly and there was going to be big trouble over it; then he talked the House into approving a budget that includes funding for Obama’s amnesty orders. It looks like the entire Washington scene has turned into smoke, mirrors, prevaricators and scum bags.    

Q. Dr. Ben Carson is saying that Republican lawmakers need to grow some spines.  Isn’t he being rather presumptuous?  (Carlotta ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. No, he’s telling the truth.  Having been told by millions of Americans in November that we’re sick and tired of the bullshit and we want it to stop, the Republicans are paying us back by ignoring us.  It’s obvious to all concerned that the Republicans are just as afraid of Obama as the Democrats are. 

Q. Al Sharpton has been a frequent visitor to the White House since 2009.  What do you suppose he and Obama talk about?  (Paula ~ Henderson, NV)
A. The timing of Obama’s announcement that the Constitution is being suspended?  You can bet they’re not sitting around playing gin rummy. 

“Democrats always like to brag that their guys are smarter than the opponents and Republicans always like to brag that their guys are more moral than the opponents.  But, if you’re looking for morals in politics, you’re looking for bananas in the meat department.”  ~ Harry Shearer


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