reported yesterday Islamic State terrorists are now claiming on social media
that they have a “dirty bomb.” They
claim to have stolen 40 kg of uranium from Mosul University after taking
control of that city. "These
nuclear materials, despite the limited amounts mentioned, can enable terrorist
groups, with the availability of the required expertise, to use it separate or
in combination with other materials in its terrorist acts," said Mohamed
Ali Alhakim, the UN’s Ambassador to Iraq.
Thank you, Mr. Obama, for your less-than-stellar performance
with respect to the I.S.I.S. threat.
Q. What’s this story about someone stealing brains from
Texas? (Gwen ~ Durango, CO)
A. The University of Texas at Austin is missing about 100
brains – about half of the specimens the university had in a collection of
brains preserved in jars of formaldehyde.
I guess the Democrats are more desperate than we thought…
Q. Is it true that Barack Obama marched with the Black
Panthers? (Lynn ~ Santa Ana, CA)
A. Yes, at least once.
In 2007, he matched with them in Selma, Alabama. Photographs, captured from a Flickr
photo-sharing account before it was
scrubbed, are the latest evidence of the mainstream media’s failure to
examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots. In Philadelphia during the 2008 election, members
of the Black Panther Party intimidated white voters and were charged, but Eric
Holder later blocked prosecution. Great
deals of Obama’s radical past and stories about his associations have been
successfully removed from the Internet.
Q. What’s all of this flap over Obama’s children? (Irene ~ Hurricane, UT)
A. Sashia and Malia attended a White House Thanksgiving
event, (the pardoning of the turkey), and a Congressional Aid, Elizabeth Lauten,
wrote a Facebook-post criticizing their behavior; the post went viral. The Obama’s raised holy hell and Lauten was
forced to resign. There has been this “unwritten
rule” that presidential children are “off limits” to the press and media. But, Lauten was neither. There is a written rule in this country called the First Amendment giving
people the right to free speech, whether or not it is in bad taste. So I say to Mr. Obama the same thing that he
says to us when we loudly and firmly protest his Executive Order on
immigration: “If you don’t like it, T.S.”
“It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on
the ladder of free speech. Immediately
on attaining power, each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his
own.” ~ Herbert Hoover
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