Wednesday, January 9, 2013


A Quaker congregation in Chestnut Hill, PA needed to build a new church, the first one in over 80 years; in order to afford the construction, they turned to a non-union contractor.  Just four days before Christmas, “vandals” with acetylene torches burned down the crane working on the project and destroying what construction had already taken place.  The Quakers had received several antagonistic union visits in the days before the fire, and police have ruled the event to be arson. 

These are Obama’s friends. 

Q. I just got a notice from my insurance company that my medical rates are going up by 16%.  I thought ObamaCare was going to stop this rape of the American purse.  (Garcia ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. If you think what you are getting right now is a rate shaft, wait until next year when the real costs of ObamaCare kick in.  Your costs are going to soar another 25% to 50%.   And remember Obama’s glib promise to you that ObamaCare was going to save us money and cut the outrageous insurance premiums?  One more lesson in life: Don’t believe a word, not one, that Obama says, except “Screw you.” 

Q. Yesterday, you said that you don’t have any problem with Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense.  As the stories go, he’s more of a pacifist than a strong defense leader, and some are saying it was philosophies like his that made us lose in Viet Nam.  Are you sticking with your opinion?  (Ardith ~ Tulsa, OK)
A. Defense policy is made by the President and the Congress.  Certainly, most Presidents are going to consult with various members of their cabinets.  When you’re at war, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is in the driver’s seat.  We lost in Viet Nam due to the mood in Congress.  I’m not a Chuck Hagel fan, but you have to pick your battles and the battle we should have picked and stuck to was ObamaCare or the budget.  Now, the Republicans are acting like spoiled brats, (and I don’t mean bad bratwurst). 

Q. Now that Benghazi has proven Al Qaeda to be alive and thriving, just how bad is that situation?  (Roman ~ Cypress, CA)
A. Their branch in Iraq is rebuilding rapidly; they’ve already reestablished training camps in Western Iraq.  When we got out of Iraq, they were essentially destroyed, but today they have over 2,500 members carrying out 150 attacks across Iraq every week.  They are also active cohorts of Jihadist fighters in the Syrian civil war. Don't look for Obama to do anything about it; as far as he is concerned, he got rid of Al Qaeda when he flew to Pakistan and killed Bin Laden.    

Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations, that we have forgotten, as a people, the cost of a free and undivided Republic.” ~ John A. Logan


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