Saturday, January 5, 2013


“Retiring” Massachusetts Congressman Barney "Frankfarter” has told his Governor that he wants Senator John Kerry’s Senate seat; Kerry has been nominated for Secretary of State.  “A month ago, or a few weeks ago, I said I wasn’t interested,” Frank remarked. “It was kind of like you’re about to graduate, and they said: ‘You gotta go to summer school.’ But [the fiscal cliff deal] now means that February, March and April are going to be among the most important months in American financial history.”

Here’s the guy, who along with Charles Dodd, presided over the worst housing crisis in American history.  They were solely to blame for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and hundreds of thousands of foreclosures.  And he wants to be there in the middle of “the most important months in American financial history?”   Isn’t this just going to be a gay old time!

Q. Don’t you agree that tougher gun laws will reduce gun violence?  (Sami ~ Huntington Beach, CA)
A. Absolutely not.  Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the U.S.  Yet, Chicago leads the nation in gun-related violence.  Handguns there are rarely purchased through legal channels.  The hoods recognize that most Chicagoans cannot legally own guns, so they have less fear of doing crimes with their own guns.  FBI stats reflect that the lowest percentages of crime occur in areas where gun ownership laws are the most liberal. 

Q. I read that Nancy Pelosi arranged for the Democratic women of Congress to appear on the Capitol steps for a photo op, but four didn’t show up.  So she ordered that he photo be retouched, adding the four into the photo.  How phony can you get?  (Wanda ~ Fairfield, CA)

A. Nancy wanted the photo to be perfect to the nth degree.  She will lie, cheat and steal in order to maintain appearances.  Isn’t she so anal?  Wouldn’t you just love to have her for your mother-in-law?   

Q. I heard on the news that the fiscal crisis legislation just signed into law was loaded with special tax breaks for “favored” businesses.  Most of those affected gave heavily to Obama’s reelection campaign.  Isn’t this a violation of the law?  (Penelope ~ Oswego, OR)
A. Yes, it is.  But, Obama was reelected; he doesn’t have to comply with the law, remember? 

In a state where corruption abounds, laws must be very numerous.” ~ Tacitus


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